Arts News

Artist Spotlight with Beau Bakken March 8 at 1 PM
Events, 2025, Artist Spotlight Kristin Eggerling Events, 2025, Artist Spotlight Kristin Eggerling

Artist Spotlight with Beau Bakken March 8 at 1 PM

NWMAC Staff Kristin Eggerling and Trey Everett spoke with Hallock Artist Beau Bakken on Friday, March 8 at 1 PM. The conversation took place live on our Facebook and YouTube channels. The recording is available here or

Bakken is the featured artist in the current NWMAC Gallery Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls — Around the Farm. The conversation included the exhibit, Beau’s inspiration, body of work, commissions, his murals, and much more!

The exhibit Around the Farm is open until April 25 at the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. This exhibit includes 27 pieces of art created by 15 artists in acrylic, watercolor, pen and ink, photography, ceramic, and mixed media. Beau Bakken, the featured artist, has twelve 2' X 3' acrylic on canvas paintings of tractors, elevators, trucks and farmers from NW Minnesota. Many of the pieces are for sale.

Beau Bakken of Hallock explained, “Ten years ago or so I was working on a farm and found visual inspiration from my boss’s farm trucks. They were decades old, rusty, and full of battle scars. But at the turn of a key, their engines fired and were ready for the day’s work. I filed away in the back of my brain to paint a picture of at least one of these modern workhorses. I’m good for packing away more ideas than I ever have time to put into reality, so this inspiration sat dormant for almost a decade. But over the last year or two, I’ve finally leaned into painting pictures of trucks, tractors, and machinery and quite enjoyed it. Most have been painted from personal photos but also from generous photograph lenders. I never took a photo of the 1960-something green Ford truck that first inspired me, but a photo recently was given to me of my former boss pouring grain out of the old Ford’s back gate. The painting titled, “Ron and the Ford” was a meaningful capstone for me and this farm art project in many ways. Ron Petersen, now with Jesus, was a great boss, farmer, and man of God.  If I continue painting farm related pictures, I hope to find more ways to depict farmers along with their machinery.”

Watch this video for a virtual tour of the exhibit at

The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The gallery hours are Monday-Friday from 8 -5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please check to make sure the college is open before making a special trip to see the exhibit. Summer hours can change. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery.

Please let us know if you have questions about the Artist Spotlight.

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Around the Farm Exhibit is Open
NCTC Gallery, 2025 Kristin Eggerling NCTC Gallery, 2025 Kristin Eggerling

Around the Farm Exhibit is Open

The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Announces 

Around the Farm

Featuring the Artwork of Beau Bakken

With Rock Bakken, Aimee Ross, Betsy Saurdiff, Stephanie Olson, Jessica Lundeen, Cindy Kolling, Debbie Aune, Janet Knutson, Therese Masters Jacobson, Ross Hier, Annethea NovacekLoreen Hanson, Alice Hamness, and Kate Hammer

Open Through April 25 at the 

NWMAC Gallery 

Northland Community and Technical College 

1101 State Highway 1, Thief River Falls

We are pleased to announce the opening of Around the Farm, an exhibit open through April 25This exhibit includes 27 pieces of art created by 15 artists in acrylic, watercolor, pen and ink, photography, ceramic, and mixed media. Beau Bakken, the featured artist, has twelve 2' X 3' acrylic on canvas paintings of tractors, elevators, trucks and farmers from NW Minnesota. Many of the pieces are for sale.

In addition to the pieces by Beau Bakken, artists from throughout the region contributed to this showcase, including Rock Bakken of Hallock, Aimee Ross of Fisher, Betsy Saurdiff of Grygla , Stephanie Olson of rural Thief River Falls, Jessica Lundeen of Thief River Falls, Cindy Kolling of Gully, Debbie Aune of Gatzke, Janet Knutson of Gully, Therese Masters Jacobson of Alvarado, Ross Hier of Crookston, Annethea Novacek of Greenbush, Loreen Hanson of Thief River Falls, Alice Hamness (deceased), and Kate Hammer of Roseau. 

Farming is more than a job or a career. It is fundamental to our community's way of life, part of our region's cultural identity and history, and deeply rooted in where and how we live, work, and play. This art exhibit celebrates farm life and farming and will highlight the importance of agriculture in the lives of residents of our northwest Minnesota region through art. Art is around the theme of farms, farming, farm machinery, harvest, farmland, agricultural heritage, farm animals, and farm life.

Featured Artist Beau Bakken of Hallock explained, “Ten years ago or so I was working on a farm and found visual inspiration from my boss’s farm trucks. They were decades old, rusty, and full of battle scars. But at the turn of a key, their engines fired and were ready for the day’s work. I filed away in the back of my brain to paint a picture of at least one of these modern workhorses. I’m good for packing away more ideas than I ever have time to put into reality, so this inspiration sat dormant for almost a decade. But over the last year or two, I’ve finally leaned into painting pictures of trucks, tractors, and machinery and quite enjoyed it. Most have been painted from personal photos but also from generous photograph lenders. I never took a photo of the 1960-something green Ford truck that first inspired me, but a photo recently was given to me of my former boss pouring grain out of the old Ford’s back gate. The painting titled, “Ron and the Ford” was a meaningful capstone for me and this farm art project in many ways. Ron Petersen, now with Jesus, was a great boss, farmer, and man of God.  If I continue painting farm related pictures, I hope to find more ways to depict farmers along with their machinery.”

Of her two pieces in the exhibit, Artist Stephanie Olson said, “Both pieces incorporate traditional quilt square patterns, combined with personal feelings and witness to current times."

Aliza Novacek-Olson shared:  "I love paintings of red barns, so I was excited when I heard about the topic of the upcoming exhibit. I own a painting done by my grandmother, Alice Hamness (deceased) about 60 years ago. Alice is the mother of my mom Annethea Novacek and my aunt Loreen. I thought it was special to see paintings of the same subject matter from three different women in the same family, so I convinced my Mom and Loreen Hanson to submit their paintings, too."

Cindy Kolling has notecards available at

You won't want to miss this interesting exhibit open through April 25 at the NWMAC Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. Details about an artist reception will be announced soon. Watch our website and social media pages for details about the time and date.

Watch this video for a virtual tour of the exhibit at

The NWMAC Gallery at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls is at 1101 State Highway 1, Thief River Falls 56701. The gallery is open during Monday-Friday from 8 - 5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please call to make sure the college is open before making a special trip. Hours can change. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery. Visitor parking is free. 

For more information about this exhibit, visit our website at, or if you are an artist interested in exhibiting a body of work with NWMAC, please contact Trey Everett at (218) 280-4917 or email Please sign up for our e-newsletter on our website home page to see the latest news and grant announcements. Email or call 218-745-8886 to reach our office during regular business hours.

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Traveling Art Exhibit is in Hallock
Traveling Exhibit, News Kristin Eggerling Traveling Exhibit, News Kristin Eggerling

Traveling Art Exhibit is in Hallock

The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council (NWMAC) sponsors an annual Traveling Art Exhibit, which visits northwest Minnesota communities throughout the year. This exhibit includes 14 original pieces of art by regional adult and student artists, chosen from works submitted for our annual juried exhibit. The exhibit is currently at the Hallock Public Library until September 24. Please stop by to see these works of art. Some of these pieces of art are for sale.

The 2024-2025 Artists and Artwork:

Beau Bakken, Hallock, “Sunday Evening Classy Entertainment” (Acrylic Painting)

Kelly Chisholm, Gary "John Lennon” (Drawing)

Tammy Hansen, Newfolden, “Flower and Feather” (Acrylic Painting)

Denise R. Jenson, Badger, “Found Lying Together” (Photography)

Steve Bernard, Erskine, “Candlelight Dinner” (Oil Painting)

Sarah Solberg, Plummer, “Canyon X” (Photography)

Jessica Lundeen, Thief River Falls “Sunny” (Drawing)

Izzy Swensen, Lancaster, “Purple Iris” (Watercolor Painting) Lancaster School Student Merit

Kerstyn Lindsey, Borup, “Sprinkles” (Ceramic Sculpture) Ada-Borup-West School

Brigitta Novacek, Roseau, “The Pink Cloud Replica” (Acrylic Painting) Roseau High School

Geneva Gartner, Fertile, “Flying Around” (Mosaic) Fertile-Beltrami School

Mary Jane Crane, Red Lake Falls, “Beauty in Self Image” (Drawing) Red Lk Falls School 3rd place

Ava Halvorson, Goodridge, “Sundown in Star Township” (Acrylic Painting) Goodridge School

Kinsley Oslund, Grygla, “Perfect and Deep Love” (Watercolor Painting) Grygla School

The 2024-2025 Traveling Exhibit Schedule*:

May to June 11 Crookston Public Library, Crookston

June 11 to August 6 Warroad Public Library, Warroad

August 6 to September 24 Hallock Public Library, Hallock

September 24 to November 19 Godel Public Library, Warren

November 19 to January 21 Thief River Falls Public Library, Thief River Falls

January 21 to March 4, 2025 Red Lake Falls Public Library, Red Lake Falls

March 4, 2025 to Annual Exhibit TBD Ada Public Library, Ada

*The start and end dates at each location are approximate, depending on weather, venue hours and other circumstances that may occur to prohibit travel. For specific library hours, please contact each location before planning your visit, especially if you are planning on bringing a group.

**Tentatively scheduled

For more information about the Traveling Exhibit or our other exhibits call our office at (218)-745-8886 or contact Trey at or

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Traveling Art Exhibit is in Hallock
Traveling Exhibit, Events, 2023 Kristin Eggerling Traveling Exhibit, Events, 2023 Kristin Eggerling

Traveling Art Exhibit is in Hallock

Traveling Art Exhibit Visits Hallock Public Library

The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council (NWMAC) sponsors an annual Traveling Art Exhibit, which visits northwest Minnesota communities throughout the year. This exhibit includes 15 original pieces of art by regional adult and student artists, chosen from works submitted for our annual juried exhibit. The exhibit is currently at the Hallock Public Library until October 10. Please stop by to see these works of art. Some of these pieces of art are for sale.

The 2023-2024 Artists and Artwork:

Ross Hier, Crookston, “Beach Ridge Bouquet” (Watercolor Painting)

Tim Anderson, Goodridge, “Let Your Light Shine” Wood Bowl (Folk/Traditional Fine Craft) Merit

Nancy Vraa, Red Lake Falls, “Country Classic” Hat and Mitten Set (Folk/Traditional Fine Craft) Merit

Lillian Ramsey, Thief River Falls, “Queen Mouse” (Acrylic Painting)

Kathy Panek, Goodridge, “Night Taxi” (Acrylic Painting on canvas board)

Jodi M Smith, East Grand Forks, “Swirls of Light “(Photography)

Dennis Lee, Red Lake Falls, “Old House” (Acrylic Painting) Merit

Madilyn Crompton, Borup, “Hang Time” (Digital Photo) Student Ada-Borup-West School

Makaela Longoria, Ada, “You Have My Heart“(Ceramic Sculpture) Student Ada-Borup-West

Emma Gunderson, Crookston, “Go on a Trip” (Acrylic Painting), Student Crookston School

Kaydence Skibicki, Fertile, Untitled (Silk Screen Print), Student Fertile-Beltrami School

Carter Lee Johnsrud, Goodridge, “Masking” (Mixed Media Graphite Pencil) Student Goodridge School (1st Place and People’s Choice)

Quinn Pittman, Greenbush, “Moe” (Pen Drawing), Student Greenbush-Middle River School Merit

Rhiana Utter, Greenbush, “Elsa” (Linoleum Print) Student Greenbush-Middle River School Merit

Maryjane Crane, Red Lake Falls, “Time” (Acrylic Painting), Student Red Lake Falls School

The 2022-2022 Traveling Exhibit Schedule*:

June to July 11 Thief River Falls Public Library, Thief River Falls

July 11 to August 29 Roseau Public Library, Roseau

August 29 to October 10 Hallock Public Library, Hallock

October 10 to November 28, Godel Public Library, Warren

November 28 to January 16 Fertile Public Library, Fertile

January 16 to February 27, 2024 Campbell Public Library, East Grand Forks

February 27 to March 26, 2024 Ada Public Library, Ada

March 26 to April TBD 2024** Red Lake Falls Public Library, Red Lake Falls

*The start and end dates at each location are approximate, depending on weather, venue hours and other circumstances that may occur to prohibit travel. For specific library hours, please contact each location before planning your visit, especially if you are planning on bringing a group.

**Tentatively scheduled

For more information about the Traveling Exhibit call our office at (218)-745-8886 or contact Trey at or

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Student Art Exhibit Featuring K-12 Artwork is Open Through July 31
NCTC Gallery, Exhibits, Events Kristin Eggerling NCTC Gallery, Exhibits, Events Kristin Eggerling

Student Art Exhibit Featuring K-12 Artwork is Open Through July 31

The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Announces a

Student Exhibit Featuring K-12 Artwork from NW MN

Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery

NCTC in Thief River Falls through July 31, 2023

Artist Reception Tuesday, June 27 from 6-8PM

The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council (NWMAC) is pleased to announce the opening of a Student Art Exhibit, featuring K-12 Artwork from throughout Northwest Minnesota. This exhibit is open through July 31 at the NWMAC Gallery at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls.

The exhibit features art by area students throughout northwest Minnesota, including the schools of Sacred Heart in East Grand Forks, Crookston, Warren-Alvarado-Oslo, Kittson Central in Hallock, Ada-Borup West, Fosston, Tri-County in Karlstad, and Roseau.

NWMAC Showcase Specialist Trey Everett said, “We have a variety of collections in this gallery from "Art Inspired by Art," to Artist in Residence mask making, to written pieces that have been published, to artwork that was chosen by area art teachers. It is all quite fascinating and inspiring to walk through our gallery and just take in the quality, creativity, and talent packed into this exhibit. I am very proud of our regional students' artwork as well as art teachers, teachers, artists in residence, parents and others who help teach and inspire our students."

Watch this video for a virtual tour of the exhibit at

There are 105 total pieces in the gallery divided up into four sections:

Section 1. Mask Making High School and Fifth Grade, Tri-County Schools, Karlstad / Mask Making Residency with Artist Lisa Arnold, 2023 / Photos of mixed media masks. 23 pieces with 21 students.

Section 2: Write On Roseau Community School District, Roseau / Essays for the Roseau Times-Region Newspaper from Roseau Community School District Students, 2023 / Newspaper essays NFS. There are 17 entries in this section. All were published in the paper between January and May of 2023.

Select students from Roseau Community School wrote essays of 800-1,000 words. The essays were published weekly in the Roseau Times-Region Newspaper. This project has run for four years. English teacher Kelsey Didrickson’s 12th grade college English class has contributed to this project. Artist Julie Elick explained, “This project instills the arts into our community and public life, providing a weekly place for students to enhance their writing talents. Roseau County is growing stronger each year with its encouragement of literacy. “

Section 3: Art Inspired By Art.

3a High School. This section includes artwork that was inspired by famed, as well as obscure art pieces. Students drew inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night, MARINA’s song “Are you Satisfied?”, and Michael Angelo’s The Creation of Adam. One student’s work Polybius drew inspiration from an urban legend Polybius and a song by Lemon Demon called Cabinet Man. Art in this section was created by NCTC student Wyatt Bring (cat image), Ada-Borup-West student Carlie Nerhus (ceramic art), and Sacred Heart’s Sophia Modeen (skeleton hands reaching out to each other), Aalliyah Griggs (digital art of purple and pink pieces of paper), Rhilynn Leroux Peters (red/orange swirl sky painting), and Mackenzie Gjerswold (video game painting). Total of 6 pieces.

3b: Kindergarten Students. Kittson Central School, Hallock Pigeons, 2023. Kwik Stix tempera paint pens on paper 12 x 18 inches.19 pieces. Pigeons Kindergarten students at Kittson Central in Hallock created pigeons as a directed drawing of the character from Mo Willems’ books that follow the adventures of pigeon and his friends. (For example, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus). They learned to use shapes to create the character and then added a colorful background.

Section 4: General Student art chosen by art teachers. This section has artwork from Crookston, East Grand Forks, Fosston, Ada-Borup-West, and Warren Alvarado-Oslo. It features pen and ink, pencil, acrylic on canvas, mixed media, pottery, glass casting jewelry, Styrofoam prints, woodblock prints, watercolor pencils, watercolor, chalk, linoleum block print, oil pastels, aluminum metal embossing, and digital artwork. There are a total of 40 pieces in this section.

An artist reception at the gallery will be held at the end of June in conjunction with the 101 Dalmatians play at Northland Community and Technical College. Refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome to join us for this free event. Stay tuned for details.

The exhibit will be open on Thursday, July 27 during the Art & Wine Walk and the musical at NCTC.

The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The gallery hours in the summer are Monday-Thursday from 8:00-4:30 PM, Fridays from 8:00 AM to Noon, and at other times when events are held at the college. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery. Visitor parking is free. 

For more information about our exhibits please contact Trey Everett at (218) 745-8886 or email Please sign up for our e-newsletter on our website home page to see the latest news and grant announcements. Email or call 218-745-8886 to reach our office during regular business hours.

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