Artist Spotlight
We regularly feature an artist or artists in our Artist Spotlight Series. Often, they have artwork in our current exhibit.
NWMAC Staff Kristin Eggerling and Trey Everett spoke with Hallock Artist Beau Bakken on Friday, March 8 at 1 PM. The conversation took place live on our Facebook and YouTube channels. The recording is available here or
Bakken is the featured artist in the current NWMAC Gallery Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls — Around the Farm. The conversation included the exhibit, Beau’s inspiration, body of work, commissions, his murals, and much more!
The exhibit Around the Farm is open until April 25 at the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. This exhibit includes 27 pieces of art created by 15 artists in acrylic, watercolor, pen and ink, photography, ceramic, and mixed media. Beau Bakken, the featured artist, has twelve 2' X 3' acrylic on canvas paintings of tractors, elevators, trucks and farmers from NW Minnesota. Many of the pieces are for sale.
Beau Bakken of Hallock explained, “Ten years ago or so I was working on a farm and found visual inspiration from my boss’s farm trucks. They were decades old, rusty, and full of battle scars. But at the turn of a key, their engines fired and were ready for the day’s work. I filed away in the back of my brain to paint a picture of at least one of these modern workhorses. I’m good for packing away more ideas than I ever have time to put into reality, so this inspiration sat dormant for almost a decade. But over the last year or two, I’ve finally leaned into painting pictures of trucks, tractors, and machinery and quite enjoyed it. Most have been painted from personal photos but also from generous photograph lenders. I never took a photo of the 1960-something green Ford truck that first inspired me, but a photo recently was given to me of my former boss pouring grain out of the old Ford’s back gate. The painting titled, “Ron and the Ford” was a meaningful capstone for me and this farm art project in many ways. Ron Petersen, now with Jesus, was a great boss, farmer, and man of God. If I continue painting farm related pictures, I hope to find more ways to depict farmers along with their machinery.”
Watch this video for a virtual tour of the exhibit at
The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The gallery hours are Monday-Friday from 8 -5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please check to make sure the college is open before making a special trip to see the exhibit. Summer hours can change. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery.
Please let us know if you have questions about the Artist Spotlight.
NWMAC Staff Kristin Eggerling and Trey Everett spoke with artist Shawna Grapentine on Tuesday, November 6. The conversation took place live on our Facebook and YouTube channels. If you missed the live broadcast, you can listen to the recording is available here or
Shawna Grapentine along with artists Joan Kauppi, Candace Same, and Therese Masters Jacobson are featured in the current NWMAC Gallery Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls — Immersed in Color, Inspired by Culutre. The conversation touched on the exhibit, her process and inspiration, her art, what she offers, classes that she teaches, and much more!
You can reach Shawna or find out more information on her website You can also meet her at the Artist Reception on Thursday, November 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Gallery.
The exhibit is open through November 21 at the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. This colorful exhibit features 29 pieces of art in acrylic, watercolor, beading, collage, and an award-winning hockey stick design.
The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The gallery hours are Monday-Friday from 8 -5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please check to make sure the college is open before making a special trip to see the exhibit. Summer hours can change. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery.
Please let us know if you have questions about the Artist Spotlight.
NWMAC Staff Kristin Eggerling and Trey Everett spoke with artist Pamela Edevold. The conversation took place live on our Facebook and YouTube channels. If you missed the live event, you can listen to the recording of the conversation is available here.
Pamela Edevold along with artists Jessica Lundeen, Heidi Danos, and Therese Masters Jacobson are featured in the current NWMAC Gallery Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls — The Portrait Gallery. The conversation touched on Edevold's work in the exhibit, how it came to be, mediums she works in, her philosophy and much more!
The exhibit The Portrait Gallery is open through September at the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. This exhibit features 33 portraits in acrylic, watercolor, digital, and colored pencils. Portraits include Native American Dancers, parents, animals, and others.
The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The gallery hours are Monday-Friday from 8 -5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please check to make sure the college is open before making a special trip to see the exhibit. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery.
Please let us know if you have questions about the Artist Spotlight.
NWMAC Staff Kristin Eggerling and Trey Everett spoke with regional artists Jessica Lundeen, Therese Masters Jacobson, and Heidi Danos on Wednesday, September 4 at 2 PM.. The conversation took place live on our Facebook and YouTube channels. If you missed the live event, you can listen to the recording of the conversation is available here.
These artists along with Pamela Edevold are featured in the current NWMAC Gallery Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls — The Portrait Gallery. The conversation touched on the exhibit, the inspiration of the artists, their body of work, how they market themselves, their philosophy and much more!
The exhibit The Portrait Gallery is open through September at the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. This exhibit features 33 portraits in acrylic, watercolor, digital, and colored pencils. Portraits include Native American Dancers, parents, animals, and others.
The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The gallery hours are Monday-Friday from 8 -5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please check to make sure the college is open before making a special trip to see the exhibit. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery.
Please let us know if you have questions about the Artist Spotlight.
NWMAC Staff Kristin Eggerling and Trey Everett spoke with regional artists Cindy Kolling and Gail Ose on Wednesday, July 24 at 1 PM. PLEASE NOTE THE change in DAY and TIME. The conversation took place live on our Facebook and YouTube channels. The recording of the conversation is available here.
Kolling and Ose are featured in the current NWMAC Gallery Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls — Awareness: within and without. The conversation will be about the exhibit, the inspiration of the artists, their body of work, and much more!
The exhibit Awareness: within and without is open until July 30 at the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. This exhibit features 54 pieces of artwork by Gully Visual Artist Cindy Kolling and Thief River Falls Visual Artist Gail Ose and is open through July at the NWMAC Gallery at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls.
Showcase Specialist Trey Everett shared, “Cindy Kolling is a master at capturing the life cycle of plants through her pen and ink and silkscreen artistry. Gail Ose's visionary and highly symbolic work is a fascinating process as well as mesmerizing to gaze into. This exhibit is a complementary combination of two distinct styles which give careful attention to the form and the formless, what is without and what is within."
Cindy Kolling’s work includes two sets of 12 silkscreen prints of the life cycle of native plants white sage and blazing star plus other work. These are different handprints of one plant in a continuing series originating from pen & ink drawings of Cindy’s that reference her field sketches, artist’s photos, and observation experiences.
No two handprints are alike and there are no more. These original prints may be released as high quality digital reproductions later, as determined by the artist ,but the original handprint is unique and unable to be done the same again.
Gail Ose is a visionary artist and founder of Serendipity Art Hub based in Thief River Falls, where she lives on a farm. In her studio classroom and workshops, Gail offers painting classes taught from the perspective of Heart, Soul, and Spirit while nurturing authentic, creative expressions regardless of talent or experience. Gail weaves her passion for creativity and spiritual connection into her painting practice and throughout her life and leads others into uncharted areas of their creativity, both inward and outward, to live and create more authentically.
Watch this video for a virtual tour of the exhibit at
The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The gallery hours are Monday-Friday from 8 -5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please check to make sure the college is open before making a special trip to see the exhibit. Summer hours can change. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery.
Please let us know if you have questions about the Artist Spotlight.
Watch our Artist Spotlight with Jeanne O’Neil and Erin O’Neil here. This was live on Thursday, March 28 at 10:30 AM on our Facebook and YouTube pages.
NWMAC Staff Trey Everett and Kristin Eggerling spoke with Artists Jeanne O'Neil and Erin O'Neil. They talked about their music and the current exhibit Fiddle Tunes, Fiber Folk & Prairie Prints Featuring Jeanne Griffin O’Neil and Erin Jeanne O’Neil at the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls through April 2024. They even played some tunes for the broadcast. Again, watch the recording here.
Jeanne O’Neil explained, “The focus of this show is the celebration of Erin's recently completed book, Twenty of Plenty, in which twenty of her original fiddle tunes are transcribed. We are both folk musicians and visual artists, and it is fitting to bring these forms of artistic expression together, as the tunes and art are both inspired by the rural landscapes we live in.”
The newest prints in this show come from a series of sketches made over the past summers on Jeanne’s land. “Walking the fields and pathways every day, year after year, the colors, contrasts, textures and lines of trees, grasses, sky, river are impressed in my mind, creating an accumulated knowledge of these places. The making of each print creates a deeper knowing and a stronger connection to that knowing.”
Jeanne’s daughter Erin O’Neil created the Twenty of Plenty tune book. This was an effort with a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council to get some of her tune compositions transcribed so that they could be introduced into wider circles of musicians. The descriptions and illustration throughout the book offer insight into the meaning of the compositions. The cultural influences for these tunes include French Canadian, Irish, Scandinavian, Scottish traditional fiddle music, New England Contra Dance music, Old Time Appalachian music, and Metis fiddle tunes.
Erin also has Rag Folk pieces in this exhibit. The Rag Folk represent preservation of what has been used in everyday life and creating new lives out of old scraps and rags. Erin started creating these pieces with a passion for recycling and reducing waste and a desire to connect with others.
Jeanne and Erin both play in the O’Neil Family Band. Erin plays the fiddle and feet, while Jeanne plays the banjo and concertina. The band holds many community dances in our region.
An artist reception at the gallery will be held at Northland Community and Technical College on Wednesday, April 24 at 6 PM. Everyone is welcome to join us for this free event. The O'Neil Family Band will be performing and refreshments will be served. Many pieces of art in this exhibit are for sale. You are welcome to purchase at any time and pick up when the exhibit ends.Please join us for the conversation! Let us know if you have questions!
Watch our Artist Spotlight with Andy Hall. This was live on Monday, January 22 at 10 AM on our Facebook and YouTube pages. You can watch the discussion at this link
NWMAC staff Trey and Kristin spoke with Andy Hall for an Artist Spotlight to highlight the Pulled in Many Directions Photography by Andy Hall Exhibit. We talked about what influences him artistically, his photography, his subject matter, the exhibit, his technique, photography tips, how to purchase his art, and much more. Pulled in Many Directions Photography by Andy Hall is open until February 26. Let us know if you have questions!
Watch our Artist Spotlight with Stephanie Olson here or on our Facebook or YouTube pages. This was live on Saturday, November 4 at 11 AM.
NWMAC staff Trey and Kristin spoke with Stephanie Olson for an Artist Spotlight to highlight the Figures of Ghosts and Dreams Exhibit. We spoke with Stephanie about her what influences her artistically, her art, the exhibit, her writing background, and much more. Figures of Ghosts and Dreams: The Artwork of Stephanie Olson is open until November 29. Let us know if you have questions!
This Artist Spotlight was on Wednesday, September 13 at 2 PM. Now, watch it on the NWMAC Facebook or YouTube pages or here. NWMAC staff Trey and Kristin spoke with Sister Denise Schonhardt to highlight the Art & Spirituality Exhibit and about her artistic influence, vision, how spirituality influences her art, and much more. The Art and Spirituality Exhibit is open until September 29. Let us know if you have questions!
Watch this online discussion with retired art teacher Gary Stegman here.
On Wednesday, July 5 the NWMAC held an Artist Spotlight with Retired Art Teacher Gary Stegman. You can watch this discussion with NWMAC staff Trey Everett and Kristin Eggerling at the link above or on the NWMAC Facebook or YouTube pages. Stegman spoke about students, motivation, the arts, artistic vision, his background, and much more. Some of Stegman’s students have artwork in the current NWMAC exhibit Student Art Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls. The exhibit is open until July 26. Let us know if you have questions.