Grant Forms Quick List
Register or Log In
Fiscal Sponsor Form
You need to click into our on-line grant site to first register your organization and then yourself as a user. Note: This same link is used to enter your username and password to access our on-line grant system as a registered user. If you’ve applied for a grant before, you are already in the system.
This fiscal sponsor form can be used when you engage a fiscal agent who agrees to act as an instrument through which money can legitimately pass from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council to the undersigned arts organization. Reach out to for information about this.
Scoring Sheet Example
Voucher for In-Kind
To provide insight as to how grant proposals are rated, this document is an example of how board members score projects. This particular rating sheet is for the Arts Legacy Grant Program.
Template in Word: This form may be an easy way of keeping track of in-kind. This form is an optional template. For tax and other purposes you may want to record certification of in-kind so that is included in the format. Certification is not required for our NWMAC grants since match can only be cash at this time.
If you receive a grant please read and use these forms and logos
If you are appreciative of this grant award, please thank somebody. We urge you to make a phone call or drop a note of thanks to either the governor, your state senator, your state representative, or all three.
The Artist Expense Report can be used if you want to submit time and mileage for your individual grant expenses. The report has an example that you can view then delete and add your true data. Reach out to our office for this: or 218-745-8886.
Credit Line and Logo Links
NWMAC logo to be used for Arts Project Grants, Arts Equipment Grants for Schools, Student Training Grants, Grants to adult individuals (except Legacy category).
Arts Project Grants, Arts Equipment Grants for Schools, and Student Training Grants are all funded with State of Minnesota general fund. You must use our NWMAC logo with this credit line, “This activity is made possible in part by a grant provided by the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council with funds appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature from its general fund.”
Grants to adult individuals (except Legacy category): You must use our NWMAC logo with this credit line at public events where you can add, “This activity is made possible in part by a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council through funding from The McKnight Foundation.”
Arts Legacy Grants: Regular, School Residency, and General Operating are all funded with Clean, Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment funding. You must use the Legacy Logo and credit line,
“This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.”
Yes, we do realize that the credit line is long and at the same time we may be funding 90% to 100% of your project. If you don’t use the full credit line and the logo, you are risking that you will not receive funding in the future. Make sure that people can see and read and hear it (curtain speech below)!
How to Use the Legacy Credit Line while Speaking to YOUR Audience: Display the Legacy poster (and copies of the poster) and/or hold it in your hands as you say,
“Thank you all for coming tonight. We’d like to take a minute to acknowledge the unique opportunity we have in Minnesota for supporting the arts. (Organization) is very thankful and proud to announce that this (activity) is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. The Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund came into being as part of the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment, which was passed by the Minnesota voters in 2008. However, establishing the Arts and Cultural Heritage fund did not, in itself, mean that artists and organizations would receive funding. It is because the State Legislature directed Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund dollars to the Minnesota State Arts Board and the Regional Arts Council system that this funding has brought access to the arts to every corner of the state including our event tonight. The Clean Water, Land & Legacy Amendment is keeping your ticket cost to only $_____ (or making this a free event for our town!).”
A note from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council …
If you are appreciative of this grant award, please thank somebody.
We urge you to make a phone call or drop a note of thanks to either the governor, your state senator, your state representative, or all three.
· Tell them you received an arts grant award from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council.
· Tell them the arts are important to the quality of your life in northwest Minnesota.
· Tell them thanks for their continued support of the arts in the state’s budget.
By the way, it would be nice to personally invite them to your arts event.
Why should you take the time to thank your legislators?
Our legislators need to hear what receiving a NW Minnesota Arts Council grant means to you, what you did with the grant, and most of all how important it is that funding from NW Minnesota Arts Council continues to be available in the future.
Legislative contact information can be found below and at: or
Please send correspondence to:
Governor Tim Walz, 651-201-3400, Use email form online here, 130 State Capitol,
75 Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155
District 1:
Senator Mark Johnson, Use Senate email form here, 95 University Ave W, MN Senate Building, Room 3111, St Paul, MN 55155
1A: Rep. John Burkel,, 2nd Floor Centennial Office Building, 658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55155
1B: Rep. Steve Gander,, 2nd Floor Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155, 651-296-5091
District 4:
Senator Robert Kupec, Use Senate email form here, 3101 Minnesota Senate Bldg, St. Paul, MN 55155, 651-296-3205
4B: Rep. Jim Joy, rep.jim., 315 Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155