Tending the Creative Soul
How have you been doing as an artist? What are you doing to stay healthy and creative? When was the last time you got together with other creatives in our region?
We host a regular gathering of visual artists, dancers, fine crafters, musicians, photographers, actors, creative writers, film makers, fiber artists … all people who desire creativity in their lives are welcome and encouraged to network together as Minnesota’s Creative Northwest. This will be a casual, non-judgmental time to check in, connect, and see how we can encourage one another. Some months we have speakers, others we work on art projects together, or we discuss different topics. If you have ideas, please let us know! The monthly gatherings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 5 to 6 pm via Zoom led by Trey Everett. Join as you are able. Feel free to bring a beverage of your choice.
To participate you will need a computer with a working microphone, internet service, and the Zoom app. If interested, please email Trey at Treyeverettcreates@gmail.com to receive a Zoom invite via email.
Prior topics include the connection between kindness and creativity, rise like the phoenix, timeliness and creativity, time management, lack of support, summer projects & upcoming inspirations, The creative space, mandalas, the practice of observing art, creativity and music, and much more!

View videos of prior
Tending the Creative Soul sessions.
More will be added as they occur.
December 2022 SPACE in artwork
Tending the Creative Soul was held on December 14. The group explored SPACE in artwork. Space is one of the most important elements in art. What is space in art and how do we work with it?
February 2023 Input on TCS
Hello Artists! Your input is requested. This Tending the Creative Soul was held on February 8. Tending the Creative Soul is transforming. Trey would love to hear your ideas for TCS in 2023. Would you like TCS to meet at a different time? Evenings, mornings, weekends, midnight? In-person gatherings instead of/along with Zoom gatherings? What locations would you recommend for in-person gatherings? Would you be open to hosting occasionally either in person or Zoom? What length of time seems good to you? What topics are you interested in? What topics have you appreciated in the past? Special guests? Multiple Zoom or in-person gatherings to choose from each month? Other thoughts?
March 2023 Calligrams
Tending the Creative Soul was Wednesday, March 8. Watch the video of this session here: https://youtu.be/m-tBYTf9gdo
We worked with calligrams. Calligrams are images that are made with words or simply have words within them. They can be used in all sorts of art projects, classroom activities with students, and personal inspirational artwork.
We will be creating our own calligrams so bring paper and markers or something to write with.
April 2023 Birds with Ross Hier
This TCS will be held on April 12 and we’ill have birder and fellow artist Ross Hier. Ross will share about his February birding adventure in Costa Rica as well as his lifelong bird artwork. Like art, birds reveal a spot of beauty with their plumes and songs and allow us to escape the stressful and mundane. Ross has captured the simplicity, as well as the complexity of birds. Ross’s love of nature from a young age led him to a career as a wildlife biologist. He retired after 35 years with the Minnesota DNR Wildlife Section. A self-taught artist, he thoroughly enjoys the versatility of transparent watercolors. Nature provides him with unlimited subject material. Many of his subject ideas arose after observing some interaction in nature, landscape, or creatures. “I am drawn more to days when life wasn’t so driven by technology and was lived at a slower pace.“
May 2023
Stay Tuned