Arts News

Around the Farm Exhibit is Open
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Announces
Around the Farm
Featuring the Artwork of Beau Bakken
With Rock Bakken, Aimee Ross, Betsy Saurdiff, Stephanie Olson, Jessica Lundeen, Cindy Kolling, Debbie Aune, Janet Knutson, Therese Masters Jacobson, Ross Hier, Annethea Novacek, Loreen Hanson, Alice Hamness, and Kate Hammer
Open Through April 25 at the
NWMAC Gallery
Northland Community and Technical College
1101 State Highway 1, Thief River Falls
We are pleased to announce the opening of Around the Farm, an exhibit open through April 25. This exhibit includes 27 pieces of art created by 15 artists in acrylic, watercolor, pen and ink, photography, ceramic, and mixed media. Beau Bakken, the featured artist, has twelve 2' X 3' acrylic on canvas paintings of tractors, elevators, trucks and farmers from NW Minnesota. Many of the pieces are for sale.
In addition to the pieces by Beau Bakken, artists from throughout the region contributed to this showcase, including Rock Bakken of Hallock, Aimee Ross of Fisher, Betsy Saurdiff of Grygla , Stephanie Olson of rural Thief River Falls, Jessica Lundeen of Thief River Falls, Cindy Kolling of Gully, Debbie Aune of Gatzke, Janet Knutson of Gully, Therese Masters Jacobson of Alvarado, Ross Hier of Crookston, Annethea Novacek of Greenbush, Loreen Hanson of Thief River Falls, Alice Hamness (deceased), and Kate Hammer of Roseau.
Farming is more than a job or a career. It is fundamental to our community's way of life, part of our region's cultural identity and history, and deeply rooted in where and how we live, work, and play. This art exhibit celebrates farm life and farming and will highlight the importance of agriculture in the lives of residents of our northwest Minnesota region through art. Art is around the theme of farms, farming, farm machinery, harvest, farmland, agricultural heritage, farm animals, and farm life.
Featured Artist Beau Bakken of Hallock explained, “Ten years ago or so I was working on a farm and found visual inspiration from my boss’s farm trucks. They were decades old, rusty, and full of battle scars. But at the turn of a key, their engines fired and were ready for the day’s work. I filed away in the back of my brain to paint a picture of at least one of these modern workhorses. I’m good for packing away more ideas than I ever have time to put into reality, so this inspiration sat dormant for almost a decade. But over the last year or two, I’ve finally leaned into painting pictures of trucks, tractors, and machinery and quite enjoyed it. Most have been painted from personal photos but also from generous photograph lenders. I never took a photo of the 1960-something green Ford truck that first inspired me, but a photo recently was given to me of my former boss pouring grain out of the old Ford’s back gate. The painting titled, “Ron and the Ford” was a meaningful capstone for me and this farm art project in many ways. Ron Petersen, now with Jesus, was a great boss, farmer, and man of God. If I continue painting farm related pictures, I hope to find more ways to depict farmers along with their machinery.”
Of her two pieces in the exhibit, Artist Stephanie Olson said, “Both pieces incorporate traditional quilt square patterns, combined with personal feelings and witness to current times."
Aliza Novacek-Olson shared: "I love paintings of red barns, so I was excited when I heard about the topic of the upcoming exhibit. I own a painting done by my grandmother, Alice Hamness (deceased) about 60 years ago. Alice is the mother of my mom Annethea Novacek and my aunt Loreen. I thought it was special to see paintings of the same subject matter from three different women in the same family, so I convinced my Mom and Loreen Hanson to submit their paintings, too."
Cindy Kolling has notecards available at
You won't want to miss this interesting exhibit open through April 25 at the NWMAC Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. Details about an artist reception will be announced soon. Watch our website and social media pages for details about the time and date.
Watch this video for a virtual tour of the exhibit at
The NWMAC Gallery at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls is at 1101 State Highway 1, Thief River Falls 56701. The gallery is open during Monday-Friday from 8 - 5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please call to make sure the college is open before making a special trip. Hours can change. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery. Visitor parking is free.
For more information about this exhibit, visit our website at, or if you are an artist interested in exhibiting a body of work with NWMAC, please contact Trey Everett at (218) 280-4917 or email Please sign up for our e-newsletter on our website home page to see the latest news and grant announcements. Email or call 218-745-8886 to reach our office during regular business hours.

Heritage Through Image Photography Exhibit at Thief River’s Carnegie Library
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Announces
Heritage Through Image
a photography exhibit
Open Through June at the
Carnegie Library, 102 Main Ave N, Thief River Falls
Reception TBA
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council (NWMAC) is pleased to announce Heritage Through Image, a photography exhibit open through June. This exhibit includes 22 images that depict traditional practices, customs, and folklore that serves a visual representation of regional heritage.
This exhibit was first shown at the Sorenson Gallery in Fosston last year and was sponsored by the East Polk Heritage Center. The show features individuals that depict the heritage, art, culture, and talents of our region. Photographer Monika Lawrence, formerly of Bemidji now living in Germany, was commissioned to capture the images that reflect traditional practices, customs, and folklore to serve as a visual representation of the heritage of East Polk County.
Come and see images and information featuring folk arts such as Hardanger embroidery, Scandinavian desserts and pastries, rosemaling, historical storytelling including stories from Indigenous communities, woodworking, experimental archaeology and textiles, blacksmithing, tractor and vintage car restorations, and more. There’s something for everyone!
Lawrence moved to the United States in 2007 and lived in Bemidji until 2023 where she taught photography and photojournalism at Bemidji State University. She was also a freelance photographer for Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) News. She and her husband have now returned to Germany after their retirement. She explained, “In my photography, I focus on people in their environment as well as people’s impact on the environment. I want to tell stories that indicate our bonds to the past but that may also let us reflect about today and the time beyond tomorrow. I am also passionate about dance, which is about other, creatively imagined environments. Capturing briefly appearing moments before they are gone is what I am seeking.”
She interviewed and photographed the subjects who are featured in this exhibit. They include Stephenie Anderson, John Balstad, Dustin Carlson, Caleb Curfman, Amy Mulry, Al and Vicky Olson, Jeffrey Olson, Earl Steinbrenner, Lynn Sundrud, Rosalyn (Roz) Watnemo, and Carol Wold.
You won't want to miss this interesting exhibit open through June at the Carnegie Library in Thief River Falls. Details about a reception will be announced soon. Watch our website and social media pages for details about the time and date.
The Carnegie Library in Thief River Falls is at 102 Main Ave N. The exhibit is located on the second floor. Parking is available in the back of the building. It is open Mondays & Fridays from 10 AM - 2 PM and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 8-11 AM. It will also be open at other times when the Chamber of Commerce office is open. Contact the Chamber of Commerce to see about other possible open hours at, 218-681-3720, or
For more information about this exhibit, visit our website at, or if you are an artist interested in exhibiting a body of work with NWMAC, please contact Trey Everett at (218) 280-4917 or email Please sign up for our e-newsletter on our website home page to see the latest news and grant announcements. Email or call 218-745-8886 to reach our office during regular business hours.

Artist Spotlight with Andy Hall Monday, January 22 at 10 AM
Watch our Artist Spotlight with Andy Hall. This was live on Monday, January 22 at 10 AM on our Facebook and YouTube pages. You can watch the discussion at this link
NWMAC staff Trey and Kristin spoke with Andy Hall for an Artist Spotlight to highlight the Pulled in Many Directions Photography by Andy Hall Exhibit. We talked about what influences him artistically, his photography, his subject matter, the exhibit, his technique, photography tips, how to purchase his art, and much more. Pulled in Many Directions Photography by Andy Hall is open until February 26. Let us know if you have questions!

Hispanic Heritage Month activities at NCTC
Northland Community and Technical College is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a number of activities including a photography exhibit Roots of the Red River Valley, an event called A Seat at the Table on Saturday, October 14 with individuals demonstrating dances and offering a few lessons for those interested, food, and more!

Northern Exposure: Paintbrush and Camera Exhibit at NWMAC Gallery is Open
Northern Exposure: Paintbrush and Camera
An Exhibit Featuring the Artwork of
Christine Foster and Bert Foster
Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery
NCTC in Thief River Falls through Friday, March 3
Artist Reception Tuesday, January 31 from 6 to 8 pm
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council (NWMAC) is pleased to announce Northern Exposure: Paintbrush and Camera -- An Exhibit Featuring the Artwork of Christine Foster and Bert Foster. The exhibit is open through Friday, March 3 at the NWMAC Gallery at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls.
The exhibit is composed of paintings created by Christine Foster and photographs taken by Bert Foster. Christine Foster has a masterful way of painting light amid everyday life. With rural scenes from NW Minnesota, Christine Foster’s work feels like you’re back on the farm. Of the photography in the exhibit, Bert Foster explained, “This exhibit is comprised of photos taken over the past four years. All the places, people, and animals you see are in Minnesota. These images come from the North Shore of Lake Superior, the Itasca State Park area, the Park Rapids lakes area, and my own backyard outside of Thief River Falls –- some of my favorite places in our beautiful state. My selection of color and black and white images capture scenes that inspire me and will hopefully inspire those who view them.”
Bert is a long-time photographer. He said, “I have been taking photos for about as long as I can remember. I recall snapping my first pics at age 8 using my parents’ Kodak Instamatic. In middle school I bought my first camera, a Kodak that produced instant prints, like a Polaroid. In high school I got my first 35mm SLR camera, and it’s been on and on from there...
My favorite subject to photograph is Nature. I greatly enjoy camping, hiking, and exploring the outdoors. While I am experiencing beautiful and interesting places, I love to capture images of what I see. Through my photos I seek to portray Nature in a way that is both familiar and unique, engaging, and inspiring.”
Bert appreciates the photography workshops that he’s taken with the help of grants from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council. Through the workshops, he learned new skills and was inspired to try new things as an artist.
Christine Foster is a visual artist who enjoys seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. “When I discover that moment, I feel compelled to capture it. Capturing the light is essential! When I am in the process of creating, I feel timeless -- at one with my Creator and free. My favorite way of painting is plein air, where I paint outside directly at the site -- the sounds I hear, the weather I feel, and the sights and smells I experience all influence the artwork. Art is about the communication between the artwork, the Creator, and the artist, and the artwork, the Creator, and the observer. Art is not just the end-product itself. Art is an expression, an experience, and a communication.”
Christine specializes in drawing, oil, and watercolor. She has been a working artist for over 30 years. She graduated from Bethel College (University) with a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art and Art Education and had the privilege of mentoring under Dale Johnson. Dale taught her vision, visual expression, and artistic inspiration. She then had the honor of being mentored by Joe Paquet, a nationally renowned artist, for 7 years. Joe taught her how to see, as well as how to capture value, light, atmosphere, and color. He also showed her how to find unity and connectedness in her painting.
You won’t want to miss this interesting exhibit!
Please join us for an Artist Reception with Christine and Bert on Tuesday, January 31 from 6 to 8 pm at the gallery.
The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The gallery hours are Monday-Friday from 8:30-5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery. Visitor parking is free.
If you are an artist interested in exhibiting a body of work with NWMAC, please contact Trey Everett at (218) 745-8886 or email This exhibit is made possible with funding from The McKnight Foundation. Please sign up for our e-newsletter on our website home page to see the latest news and grant announcements. Email or call 218-745-8886 to reach our office during regular business hours.

Artist Spotlight with Bert Foster January 23
Watch the recording of our online discussion with Thief River Falls Photographer Bert Foster on January 23. The artwork of Bert and his wife Christine Foster is featured in our exhibit — Northern Exposure: Paintbrush and Camera at the NWMAC Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls through March 3. We talked about the exhibit, Bert’s background and photography, insight into creativity and inspiration, and much more! The discussion was live on our Facebook page and YouTube Live (and you can still find it there). You can also view it here:
You can view Christine’s Artist Spotlight here:
For questions about Bert’s photography or to purchase any of his photographs, reach out to him at