Arts News

Apply for the Annual Art Exhibit
You are Invited to Apply for the
Northwest Minnesota Annual Art Exhibit
Submissions Accepted Now Through February 28
We are pleased to announce our latest “Call for Entries” for the 2025 Annual Art Exhibit.
The deadline to submit your artwork is February 28, 2025.
This year, the annual Art Exhibit will be at the University of Minnesota Crookston from Monday, April 7 until Sunday, April 27. Artwork will be dropped off on Monday, March 31 from 10 AM - 7 PM at UMC.
Artists and creatives from our 7 county- service region are invited to enter this art exhibit and will be competing for $2,300 in cash awards. The first place prize for adults is $500! Artists must reside in Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Polk, Pennington, Roseau, or Red Lake counties to be eligible. Both adults and high school students are encouraged to enter up to two pieces. Exhibit cash award winners will be chosen while the exhibit is on display by a qualified juror. They will be recognized and receive their check at the Artist Reception at UMC on Sunday, April 27. Artists are welcome to have their work in the exhibit available for sale.
See for more information, including the exhibit entry rules and directions. If you would like the entry form mailed to you, please contact our office 218-745-8886 ext 1 or The entry form must be submitted no later than February 28, 2025.
Need help completing the application form? Follow this step by step guide here.

Jackpine Writers’ Bloc issues Call for Submissions
Jackpine Writers’ Bloc issue Call for Submissions. TALKING STICK VOLUME 34
Celebrating the short form again with a Creative Twist!
Wanted: SHORT Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction.
THE TALKING STICK is a locally published and nationally recognized publication.
To submit and learn more visit
1. Writers must be from Minnesota or have some connection to this area. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE VERY SHORT. Focus on short forms, cutting all unnecessary words. Create an elegant moment that hints of a longer, more complex story. Think of these as compressed creations.
2. DEADLINE: March 1, 2025. This year they will offer monetary prizes in each of 4 categories. Writers may submit in more than one category. Their Editorial Board will select the poetry and prose to be published in TS34. A published Minnesota author will judge for the monetary prizes from the selected submissions, with authors’ names removed. Writers will be invited to their Release Party in September 2025. Tentative date for a writers’ workshop and book party is September 20, 2025. PLEASE READ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES COMPLETELY.
3. Prizes are $200 for first place and $100 for second place in each of the 4 categories. Works must be UNPUBLISHED. This includes websites and blogs. They want new writings, unseen by the public. No simultaneous submissions, please. Submit manuscripts with name, address, email address, and phone number in upper right corner of each page. THIS MUST BE THE WAY YOU WANT YOUR NAME IN THE BOOK. Clearly mark the genre for which you are submitting: POETRY, CREATIVE NONFICTION, or FICTION. Please do NOT just call it “short story.” They need to know if it is creative nonfiction or fiction. They would prefer that you do NOT start out your written piece with “inspirational” or “referenced” quotes from other literary works because of possible copyright issues, etc. No political or religious rants or children’s writings are accepted.
POETRY—Limit TWO poems per writer, either a Prose Poem no longer than ½ page or a poem with line breaks but either one no longer than 35 LINES total (and this must include counting the blank lines), typed single-spaced. We have 35 lines available on each book page, whether you use them as blank lines or lines of words. Note also that the books are small. Long lines will wrap and take up an extra line. No word count necessary. See other requirements under #3 above.
CREATIVE NON-FICTION—Limit TWO entries of 650 words or less each, typed single-spaced. Number the pages and include word count on last page. See other requirements under #3 above.
FICTION—Limit TWO short stories of 900 words or less each, typed single-spaced. Number the pages and include word count on last page. See other requirements under #3 above.
CREATIVE TWIST—Limit TWO entries, each using the attached word list. We only have ONE word list this year. See rules for this new genre on a separate page but they must also follow the rules for poetry or stories line length as listed above.
5. Send only ONE copy of each submission along with SHORT bio (50 word limit). If you have a pen name, you MUST stress in a cover letter what your real name is (for the contract and mailing) and the name you want in the book (on the submission page, in the table of contents, and back of book). PERHAPS PUT BOTH NAMES ON THE PAGE(S) OF SUBMITTED WORK. If you do not make this clear, they cannot promise that they will catch the different name. PLEASE SEND ALL OF YOUR WORK AT THE SAME TIME.
6. Send ONE SASE so they can send an acceptance letter and contract to you. All contracts MUST be signed and returned, but in the event a contract is not returned, submission implies permission to publish. FORMAL NOTIFICATION is required if you wish to withdraw your submission or if it is published elsewhere during this time period. After May 1, 2025, submissions cannot be withdrawn. SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE RETURNED. Decision of the editorial board and judges is final. Editors and editorial board of the JWB and JWB board members are eligible for publication in TS34, but not for the monetary prizes in this contest.
7. Send hard copy to: Sharon Harris, TS SUBMISSIONS, 13320 149th Ave, Menahga, MN 56464. Send ALL your submissions for ALL categories in ONE 9×12 ENVELOPE—do not fold or staple sheets. Submission guidelines are also on the website They are accepting submissions in electronic format again this year. Check the website for details. They will NOT accept submissions in the body of an email—only with our electronic form, either pdf or Word document. Do NOT send docx files— they cannot guarantee format to be correct. A SASE is not required but would be greatly appreciated.
8. Contributors who have one or more pieces selected for publication in TS34 will receive ONE free copy of TS34. Your copy may be picked up at their Book Release Party in September 2025. Any books not picked up will be mailed later— they appreciate receiving $4.00 for postage. JWB requires first publication rights only. Books will be on sale at Amazon later.
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CREATIVE TWIST—For several years the members of The Jackpine Writers’ Bloc have been stretching their creativity with a monthly writing exercise. Sharon emails a list of seven to nine words to the active members of the writing group. Each member is encouraged, but not required, to create a poem or a short fiction or short creative nonfiction piece that includes each of those words.
Writers’ group members have been amazed at the creative work that has come out of this exercise. The list of words often forms a theme or a pattern in the writer’s mind and the end result is a creative piece that never would have happened without the stimulation. Many of these works have later been published in The Talking Stick.
To add to the fun and encourage creativity, we have created a separate category for writings that come from these word lists. Please submit only ONE or TWO writings from this ONE list of words, any genre. If you send two, try to make them quite different. THESE MUST BE LABELED CREATIVE TWIST. It is very important to UNDERLINE the special words in each of your submissions. One first place prize for this genre and one second place prize will be awarded for this category, no matter the genre (poetry, creative nonfiction, or fiction).
Here is the list of words. Try it! You might be surprised at the results. Any form of the word may be used.
TWIST LIST: lantern, iridescent, stark, damp, coincidence, broken, blistering, bound.
To those writers who send a SASE (even when using the electronic form) and those writers who send postage for their free copy: THANK YOU! You are helping keep this nonprofit alive to publish more writers in the future.
Electronic Submission Form

McCanna House Artist-in-Residence Application Open
McCanna House Artist-in-residence Application Now Open to Artists in Music, Theatre, Literature, & Visual Arts
The North Dakota Museum of Art is accepting applications for the 2025 McCanna House Artist-in-residence season. Artists working in music, theatre, literature, or the visual arts are encouraged to apply. Open to artists in all stages of their career.
The Program
The residency consists of 2 - 4 week blocks of time layered throughout the operating year. The house is open from June 1 through the end of September or early October. There will only be one artist on the property at a time unless a group project is specified in the application process. There are no expectations for the artist to complete work during the residency. However, artists are asked to use their time wisely and be aware of the transformative potential of time spent there.
Deadline: Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2025
Announcements: February 15, 2025.
Wireless Internet
Well-lit French country-style farmhouse, detached 40x70 foot steel building, and ample outdoor space with yards and surrounding tree lines.
3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
Washer and dryer
Well-appointed kitchen
Screened-in porch area with convenient BBQ
Opportunities to work with surrounding community groups
10 miles from the town of Larimore (pop.2,000), yet it feels remote and private
35 miles from Grand Forks (pop.55,000), with its thriving art scene and good shopping/dining
5 hours to Minneapolis and 2 hours to Winnipeg, Manitoba
Well-stocked library
Fruit trees
Surrounded by working fields producing soybeans, potatoes, canola, and more...
Endless sky
Big weather

Call for Sculpture for a Juried Public Arts Sculpture Walk
The Public Arts Commission of Hutchinson, Minnesota is currently seeking applicants for its 2025 Sculpture Stroll, a juried public arts sculpture walk. The City of Hutchinson has 13 beautiful locations for public art around the city. These locations are primarily in our historic downtown district, but also along the Luce Line Trail and in city parks along the Crow River.
Application deadline is January 1, 2025. No exceptions.
Artists may submit up to 3 separate artworks.
Selected artists will be notified by Jan 31, 2025 with installations beginning in May 2025
All selected artists will receive a $1,000 honorarium per artwork selected, and are eligible for the Judge’s and People’s Choice awards ($500 each).
To apply please complete the application on and email the completed application and required materials to

November Newsletter
Our latest newsletter is out! Read the November 2024 newsletter to find out about upcoming deadlines, events, exhibits, calls for art, opportunities, and more at
Make sure you sign up to get the e-newsletter delivered to your inbox.

October Newsletter
Our latest newsletter is out! Read the October 2024 newsletter to find out about upcoming deadlines, events, exhibits, calls for art, opportunities, and more at
Make sure you sign up to get the e-newsletter delivered to your inbox.

September Newsletter
Our latest newsletter is out! Read the September 2024 newsletter to find out about upcoming deadlines, events, exhibits, calls for art, opportunities, and more at
Make sure you sign up to get the e-newsletter delivered to your inbox.

Call for Art for Around the Farm Art Exhibit — Deadline to Submit is Dec 6
Call for Art for
Around the Farm Art Exhibit January/February 2025
Mediums include collage, pen and ink, photography, mosaic, fiber arts, oil, acrylic, sculpture, creative writing, printmaking, and more
Submission Deadline is December 2
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is announcing a Call for Art on the theme “Around the Farm.”
Farming is more than a job or a career. It is fundamental to our community's way of life, part of our region's cultural identity and history, and deeply rooted in where and how we live, work, and play. This art exhibit will celebrate farm life and farming and will highlight the importance of agriculture in the lives of residents of our northwest Minnesota region through art.
The exhibit will be held in January and February of 2025 at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The featured artist is Beau Bakken of Hallock.
Art will be around the theme of farms, farming, farm machinery, harvest, farmland, agricultural heritage, farm animals, and farm life. Artwork must be original from any art medium including painting, mixed medium, drawing, mosaic, fiber arts, writing, sculpture, photography, printmaking, and more.
Submission deadline is December 6, 2024 and limited to two submissions. Send dimensions, medium, title, sale price, and where you are from, along with a photo of the artwork to We welcome submissions from our seven county Minnesota service area including Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, and Roseau counties. Physical artwork will be dropped off at the gallery in Thief River Falls in mid-December. Date to be determined.
For more information, contact Trey at or 218-280-4917.

The American-Scandinavian Foundation is accepting applications for fellowship grants
American-Scandinavian Foundation is accepting applications for Fellowship Grants
The American-Scandinavian Foundation annual competition for Scandinavian Folk Arts & Cultural Traditions in the Upper Midwest is now accepting applications.
Deadline: September 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM CDT
For further information and to begin an online application visit
Two kinds of awards are available: fellowships for artists and grants for organizations to present public programs and community projects. All grant applications should be for projects that encourage the practice of folk arts and cultures and the presentation of these arts to public audiences.
Fellowships for artists deepen the skills of master artists; foster relationships among masters of artistic and technical skills and their apprentices, and encourage the development of traditional skills and the perpetuation of skills from generation to generation; and encourage the awareness of folk traditions by creating innovative projects with wide visibility and public appeal.
Grants for public programs and community projects encourage the preservation of Scandinavian cultural traditions through the support of community festivals, celebrations, and heritage events as well as workshops, performances, classes, and demonstrations. Applicants for public programs grants must be nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations.

Rural-Urban Solidarity Call for Creatives Apply by May 20
Rural and urban communities need each other. We share the same resources, land, and future. Artists are skilled at building solidarity, compassion, and understanding across geographies.
Over the years, the perceived “urban-rural” divide has become a political strategy to provoke division and fear, instead of fostering connection and common ground. Springboard for the Arts invites artists and creatives across Minnesota to develop projects that explore and shed light on the concept of rural-urban solidarity.
This call is open to culture bearers, makers, artists, writers, filmmakers, musicians, performers, and other creatives interested in developing projects that help build understanding, interaction, compassion, joy, and solidarity between rural and urban communities.Projects can include as many artists as needed, but will require a Lead Artist(s) who is responsible for submitting a proposal, attending meetings with Springboard, managing funds, and ensuring the project’s overall success.As part of the program, Springboard will provide:
- Project support and a $2500 stipend for one Lead Artist who can demonstrate a strong connection to and experience in both urban/rural contexts.
- Project support and a $5000 stipend for two Lead Artists, one in an urban and one in a rural place, who are teaming up on a project together. Types of projects may include (but are not limited to) zines/writing collections, video/motion art, visual displays (murals, billboards, lawn signs) and activations of public space (line dancing classes in parking lots, story circles in a library, shared meals, etc). Questions about the program or your project proposal? Email or visit
Applications will close at midnight CST on Monday, May 20, 2024.

Minnesota State Emblems Redesign Commission is inviting design ideas for New State Flag and Seal
Minnesota State Emblems Redesign Commission
Inviting Design Ideas for New State Flag and Seal
Earlier this year, the Minnesota Legislature established a commission to consider and select new designs for the state flag and seal. The commission includes seventeen members, including the former chair of the Minnesota State Arts Board. Administrative support and coordination for the commission is provided by the Minnesota Historical Society.
The commission is now inviting members of the public
to submit ideas and designs for a new flag and seal.
Submissions will be accepted through October 30, 2023.
To read the guidelines and submit a design for the
new state flag and/or seal, visit the commission website.
Visit the commission website
The commission meets virtually every Tuesday. If you are interested, you can sign up to receive notices from the commission, find the names and affiliations of commission members, learn about the current state flag and seal, and watch the commission meetings online at the commission's website.