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Jackpine Writers’ Bloc issues Call for Submissions
News, Resources, Writers Kristin Eggerling News, Resources, Writers Kristin Eggerling

Jackpine Writers’ Bloc issues Call for Submissions

Jackpine Writers’ Bloc issue Call for Submissions. TALKING STICK VOLUME 34
Celebrating the short form again with a Creative Twist!
Wanted: SHORT Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction.
THE TALKING STICK is a locally published and nationally recognized publication.

To submit and learn more visit

1. Writers must be from Minnesota or have some connection to this area. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE VERY SHORT. Focus on short forms, cutting all unnecessary words. Create an elegant moment that hints of a longer, more complex story. Think of these as compressed creations.

2. DEADLINE: March 1, 2025. This year they will offer monetary prizes in each of 4 categories. Writers may submit in more than one category. Their Editorial Board will select the poetry and prose to be published in TS34. A published Minnesota author will judge for the monetary prizes from the selected submissions, with authors’ names removed. Writers will be invited to their Release Party in September 2025. Tentative date for a writers’ workshop and book party is September 20, 2025. PLEASE READ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES COMPLETELY.

3. Prizes are $200 for first place and $100 for second place in each of the 4 categories. Works must be UNPUBLISHED. This includes websites and blogs. They want new writings, unseen by the public. No simultaneous submissions, please. Submit manuscripts with name, address, email address, and phone number in upper right corner of each page. THIS MUST BE THE WAY YOU WANT YOUR NAME IN THE BOOK. Clearly mark the genre for which you are submitting: POETRY, CREATIVE NONFICTION, or FICTION. Please do NOT just call it “short story.” They need to know if it is creative nonfiction or fiction. They would prefer that you do NOT start out your written piece with “inspirational” or “referenced” quotes from other literary works because of possible copyright issues, etc. No political or religious rants  or children’s writings are accepted.

POETRY—Limit TWO poems per writer, either a Prose Poem no longer than ½ page or a poem with line breaks but either one no longer than 35 LINES total (and this must include counting the blank lines), typed single-spaced. We have 35 lines available on each book page, whether you use them as blank lines or lines of words. Note also that the books are small. Long lines will wrap and take up an extra line. No word count necessary. See other requirements under #3 above.
CREATIVE NON-FICTION—Limit TWO entries of 650 words or less each, typed single-spaced. Number the pages and include word count on last page. See other requirements under #3 above.
FICTION—Limit TWO short stories of 900 words or less each, typed single-spaced. Number the pages and include word count on last page. See other requirements under #3 above.
CREATIVE TWIST—Limit TWO entries, each using the attached word list. We only have ONE word list this year. See rules for this new genre on a separate page but they must also follow the rules for poetry or stories line length as listed above.

5. Send only ONE copy of each submission along with SHORT bio (50 word limit). If you have a pen name, you MUST stress in a cover letter what your real name is (for the contract and mailing) and the name you want in the book (on the submission page, in the table of contents, and back of book). PERHAPS PUT BOTH NAMES ON THE PAGE(S) OF SUBMITTED WORK. If you do not make this clear, they cannot promise that they will catch the different name. PLEASE SEND ALL OF YOUR WORK AT THE SAME TIME.

6. Send ONE SASE so they can send an acceptance letter and contract to you. All contracts MUST be signed and returned, but in the event a contract is not returned, submission implies permission to publish. FORMAL NOTIFICATION is required if you wish to withdraw your submission or if it is published elsewhere during this time period. After May 1, 2025, submissions cannot be withdrawn. SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE RETURNED. Decision of the editorial board and judges is final. Editors and editorial board of the JWB and JWB board members are eligible for publication in TS34, but not for the monetary prizes in this contest.

7. Send hard copy to: Sharon Harris, TS SUBMISSIONS, 13320 149th Ave, Menahga, MN 56464. Send ALL your submissions for ALL categories in ONE 9×12 ENVELOPE—do not fold or staple sheets. Submission guidelines are also on the website They are accepting submissions in electronic format again this year. Check the website for details. They will NOT accept submissions in the body of an email—only with our electronic form, either pdf or Word document. Do NOT send docx files— they cannot guarantee format to be correct. A SASE is not required but would be greatly appreciated.

8. Contributors who have one or more pieces selected for publication in TS34 will receive ONE free copy of TS34. Your copy may be picked up at their Book Release Party in September 2025. Any books not picked up will be mailed later— they appreciate receiving $4.00 for postage. JWB requires first publication rights only. Books will be on sale at Amazon later.

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CREATIVE TWIST—For several years the members of The Jackpine Writers’ Bloc have been stretching their creativity with a monthly writing exercise. Sharon emails a list of seven to nine words to the active members of the writing group. Each member is encouraged, but not required, to create a poem or a short fiction or short creative nonfiction piece that includes each of those words.

Writers’ group members have been amazed at the creative work that has come out of this exercise. The list of words often forms a theme or a pattern in the writer’s mind and the end result is a creative piece that never would have happened without the stimulation. Many of these works have later been published in The Talking Stick.

To add to the fun and encourage creativity, we have created a separate category for writings that come from these word lists. Please submit only ONE or TWO writings from this ONE list of words, any genre. If you send two, try to make them quite different. THESE MUST BE LABELED CREATIVE TWIST. It is very important to UNDERLINE the special words in each of your submissions. One first place prize for this genre and one second place prize will be awarded for this category, no matter the genre (poetry, creative nonfiction, or fiction).

Here is the list of words. Try it! You might be surprised at the results. Any form of the word may be used.

TWIST LIST: lantern, iridescent, stark, damp, coincidence, broken, blistering, bound.

To those writers who send a SASE (even when using the electronic form) and those writers who send postage for their free copy: THANK YOU! You are helping keep this nonprofit alive to publish more writers in the future.

Electronic Submission Form

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Artists of NW Minnesota 6th Edition is here!
News, Resources Kristin Eggerling News, Resources Kristin Eggerling

Artists of NW Minnesota 6th Edition is here!

Artists of Northwest Minnesota 6th Edition is here!

Featuring listings of artists, performers, &

arts businesses and organizations

The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is pleased to announce the publication of the 6th edition of Artists of Northwest Minnesota booklet.  

The NWMAC publishes a directory every 3 years that lists fine craft and visual artists, photographers, writers, and performing artists who answered our call for entries, as well as arts organizations. This is an invaluable resource when the public is looking for art and artists in our region. This booklet allows you to connect with and find local artists and their products or services, as well as businesses that support the arts. Our region is home to talented writers, visual artists, performance artists, fiber artists, sculptors, 3D artists, photographers, mosaic artists, printmakers, jewelers, metal artists, wood carvers, and more. This edition of the booklet has an added section of performing artists, including musicians who play in our area. Artists of Northwest Minnesota was designed by Kat Allen of Warroad and edited by Kristin Eggerling, NWMAC Promotions Specialist and Executive Director Mara Hanel with funding from the McKnight Foundation.

Pick up a copy of this directory at no cost at your local library, coffee shop, or other businesses in our region. To view the booklet on our website click here.

For more information, contact our office at 218-745-8886 or  

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BAAC Writers Group in Bagley on Jan 4 at 5:30 PM
Events Kristin Eggerling Events Kristin Eggerling

BAAC Writers Group in Bagley on Jan 4 at 5:30 PM

Bring in the New Year

the Write Way!

The BAAC writers group will gather Thursday eve, Jan. 4th at 5:30 at the Bagley Library with a little extra twist. It’s a New Year after all!

At the Area Writer’s group led by Clearbrook’s Ann Marie Newman, they don’t always just write. Writing at these gatherings is sometimes just great fun and games. They do really write stuff, some come for the fun and to hear what others come up with.

On January 4, there will be word prompts but also the art on display will be used as prompts. It is “IIlustrated Life and Times: A Tallgrass Prairie Story” (Artist, Cindy Kolling). Ann Marie has led this kind of activity at other art exhibits. Written pieces can be put into a notebook and left there to be shared as part of the exhibit.

And there will be homemade soup. If you are interested, bring a pot of soup or a few extras like crackers or cookies.

All Writers and Friends: Gather! Bring in the New Year on Thursday, January 4th 5:30 the Bagley Library for Homemade Soup and Wild Word Fun.

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Minnesota Playwrights’ Center Offers Mentorships and Fellowships. Applications are open!
Resources, News Kristin Eggerling Resources, News Kristin Eggerling

Minnesota Playwrights’ Center Offers Mentorships and Fellowships. Applications are open!

The Playwrights' Center sustains, develops, and advocates for playwrights and their work to realize their full artistic potential. The Playwrights' Center focuses on both supporting playwrights and promoting new plays to production at theaters across the country. It is a resource for playwrights statewide.

Applications are currently open for:

-The Many Voices Mentorship — for beginning Black playwrights, Indigenous playwrights, and/or playwrights of color or artists in other disciplines who are interested in learning about playwriting (deadline December 7)

-The McKnight Theater Artist Fellowship -— for theater artists other than playwrights based in Minnesota (deadline March 28, but we recommend submitting and intent to apply earlier)

-The McKnight Fellowship in Playwriting — for playwrights in Minnesota who have had at least one play professionally produced (Deadline January 11)

-Core Writer Program — for any committed professional playwright (Deadline January 25)

Reach out to the Center with any questions you might have.

Julia Brown (she/her/hers), Artistic Programs Manager

Playwrights’ | 612-332-7481 x.11152301 E. Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406

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