Upcoming Deadlines for Arts Grants

Applications Open July 1 with a

July 31 Deadline for

Gov't Orgs and Non-Profits

Grant Writing Session is July 17 at 11 AM

It is time to start planning for your fall and winter community arts activities. When the application is available on July 1st your organization will be ready to start applying to meet our July 31 deadline date.

Applications open on July 1 for arts grants to nonprofit arts organizations, communities, schools, and other nonprofit organizations. Applications are being accepted from our seven county Minnesota service area including Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, and Roseau counties. 

Nonprofit arts organizations can apply for general operating funds. The eligible grant amount is based on total expenses within the previous two completed years and the organization's history of arts programming. These organizations will be able to add to this grant, as the year progresses, if they need additional funding. Funding sources for these grants come from Clean Water, Land and Legacy funds and general allocation funds from the State of Minnesota.     

Quick turnaround grants for $500 will be available on an ongoing deadline starting in July. These grants are awarded to performing artists, visual artists, media artists, and creative writing artists from our seven county Minnesota service area including Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, and Roseau counties.

Individuals must be out of high school and at least 18 years of age to be eligible. College tuition is not an eligible expense. This is the main category that individuals use to support their artistic business or advance their technical skills. This category is for non-hobby artists who make substantial yearly income from their art. Support for this program comes from The McKnight Foundation. 

Individuals absolutely must reside in our region (for one year prior) and remain living in our region during your entire grant year (2024). In the case of college students, your school or your home mailing address must be in our region. You will have to show proof of residency, usually your driver’s license. 

All other nonprofits and government organizations can apply for one arts project at a time. Grants are between $500 and $10,000. Funding sources for these grants are Clean Water, Land and Legacy funds and general allocation funds from the State of Minnesota. 

Organizational arts activities funded through these two very important grant opportunities include festivals, community theatre projects, folk music entertainment, sponsorship of visual demonstrations, creative writing workshops and many other activities that improve the quality of life of people in our communities.  

Grant writing session July 17 at 11 AM

There will be a grant writing session on July 17 at 11 AM to help you write your grant or answer any questions. You can attend via Zoom or at our office in Warren.

The deadline to apply for a project grant for governments and non-profits is July 31.

Schools in our seven-county region can also apply for an Artist Residency grant of $2,600 plus an additional $400 if the residency needs supplies. Our teaching artist roster is a great resource to view artists available to teach in our area and is available on our website at www.NorthwestMinnesotaArtsCouncil.org under the artists tab. Another resource to view artists available to enhance curriculum is COMPAS.

Schools can initially apply for one residency. Then based on remaining funding, can request up to three additional residencies into spring and summer. Funding for residency activities comes from the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment in Minnesota. 

In addition, there is Arts Equipment funding for school districts available up to $3,000 with 25% cash match required     

Read more here about our grants and how to apply.

We offer grant training workshops via Zoom or in person at the NWMAC office in Warren. You must RSVP to attend. Email director@nwartscouncil.org to RSVP or with questions. Don’t let your questions about the grant process keep you from applying! We are here to help.

To learn more about grant programs and start an application visit www.NorthwestMinnesotaArtsCouncil.org. The grant application process is completely online and NWMAC's Director Mara Hanel can help walk you through the process of using the grants portal to get accustomed to it. Please contact her at director@NWArtsCouncil.org or call 218-745-8886.


Early June Newsletter


NWMAC Exhibit: Awareness: within and without featuring artists Cindy Kolling and Gail Ose