The first step in deciding whether you are a good candidate for the NWMAC is to find out more about our organization. This website and the NWMAC Facebook page are good sources of information. Surfing these spots will give you a good idea of what we are accomplishing.
We provide a variety of direct programming and grants to serve the area’s artists and arts organizations. We have a limited budget so it is important to research the needs of the region and streamline programs and services to meet the greatest needs. Creative people in the arts are always filled with great ideas for the NWMAC either to sponsor or spearhead. The Council serves to determine what will best nurture, as well as stabilize and sustain arts activity in our region.
The Board Member job description and our bylaws will provide you with an outline of expectations of Council members. They are available upon request. Board members serve as panelists and receive panelist training. Meeting with Mara Hanel, Arts Council Director, about becoming a board member is important to deciding whether serving is a match for you and for the Arts Council.
Arts Council Board Members serve three year terms. The Arts Council Board mainly meets quarterly in the months of March, June, September, and December – so the years tend to go quickly. After serving two terms (six years) Arts Council members are required to go off the Council for at least one year.
If you are interested in serving, you must complete a Nomination Form to show your contact information and qualifications. The form also asks that you send in an artistic resume but that is not required. The nomination form must be sent or emailed back to director@nwartscouncil.org. The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council will select whom they would like to represent your county on the Arts Council. We may involve your county government so that they feel a connection to you as their representative and it allows them to learn more about the Arts Council.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Prior to submitting a nomination form please contact Mara Hanel either by emailing director@nwartscouncil.org.or by calling 218-745-8886 to inquire as to whether there is an opening on the Arts Council for your county.
Our meetings are filled with action items and interesting concise updates from staff. The meetings last between two to four hours. Roundtrip mileage is reimbursed at the current government rate for attending our meetings and a dinner meal is provided. At times the meetings are held virtually.