Kristin Eggerling, Promotions Specialist
Kristin is the Promotions Specialist at the NWMAC. She is responsible for the website, social media, press releases, the monthly e-newsletter, weekly podcasts, virtual exhibits (video walk throughs of our exhibits), calls for art, other promotional and communications, and assisting with the artist booklets. She is part of the team that creates the Artist Spotlights. Reach out to her with news of your art events.
Kristin works as a freelance writer. She is a published author -- Breath of Wilderness: The Life of Sigurd Olson. She loves the process of research, interviewing, and telling the story of places and people. She has served on a number of boards, including the local library board and regional and state boards focused on sustainability, conservation, the arts and community development. She loves travel, good food, films, reading and spending time with her family. In addition to writing, she creates mosaics and mixed media art. "Art is so important for our society as a whole, and for each of us as individuals. It has the power to transform our lives and regularly does."