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12.15.20 Andy Hall, Crookston Photographer and Owner of Sweetlight Gallery
Andy Hall spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Andy’s photography includes landscape images, the outdoors, regional images, and abandoned spaces. The Sweetlight Gallery is a wonderful source of local art — Andy’s photography, gift cards and work from other artists. You can find Andy on our enhanced listing, as well. Listen to the interview to learn more and to hear about Andy’s creative process!

12.8.20 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel is this week’s featured podcast. Mara and spoke with Ron West about what’s going on with the arts council and artists in our area, specifically digital arts assistance, NWMAC seeking a graphic designer, a Black Lives Matter canvas workshop this weekend, and ways to support local artists during this time. Listen for the details!

12.1.20 Abby Pearson
Abby Pearson of Fosston spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Abby is directing and acting in the FCLAA’s production Every Christmas Story Ever Told. Because of the pandemic, the play will be live-streamed (and not available to see in person) on Dec 17 and 18 at 7pm. Listen to the conversation for all the details!

11.24.20 Adam Reinwald
Adam Reinwald of Open Voices is this week’s featured podcast. He spoke with Ron West about digital engagement work Open Voices is doing with the NWMAC to provide digital training for artists and arts organizations. Listen to learn more and take advantage of the important skills and knowledge Open Voices can provide!

11.10.20 Cheryl Peters
Cheryl Peters spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week about the Viking Veterans Memorial. An original oil painting “Home for the Harvest” by Newfolden artist Tammy Hansen was reproduced on granite to form the centerpiece of the memorial. Listen to hear all about it!

11.3.20 Rebecca Rosenkrans, Jeweler and Owner of Bead Gypsy
Bead Gypsy Owner Rebecca Rosenkrans of Roseau is this week’s featured podcast. Rebecca spoke about creating jewelry, the materials and tools she uses, and being in the Artists of NW Minnesota booklet. Bead Gypsy is located in the En Liten Svensk Shoppe in Roseau. She also offers jewelry repair and custom orders. Listen to hear the whole conversation.

10.27.20 Beau Bakken
Beau Bakken of Hallock spoke with Ron West this week. Beau’s artwork along with his father’s, Rock Bakken, is featured in our current exhibit in Thief River Falls — Bakken: The Artistry of Father and Son. Beau has also created many public murals. He spoke about his art and his philosophy “Expression through Creation.” Listen to the interview!
10.20.20 Rock Bakken
Hallock Artist Rock Bakken is this week’s featured podcast. Rock spoke about being an artist, his store in Hallock, and the current exhibit that features his and his son Beau’s works.

10.13.20 Sheila Smith
Minnesota Citizens for the Arts Director Sheila Smith spoke with Ron West this week. She talked about how the pandemic has impacted the arts community, as well as encouraging people to Vote for Arts. Listen to hear more! (remember to vote for the arts!)

10.6.20 Trey Everett
NWMAC Showcase and Training Specialist Trey Everett was this week’s featured podcast. Trey spoke with Ron West about his position, as well as a number of events and resources for artists coming up, including the current exhibit at our gallery (Bakken: The Artistry of Father and Son), a call for art for a Black Lives Matter exhibit, Tending the Creative Soul Zoom gatherings, Mojo Mondays for Performing Arts, and a Springboard for the Arts virtual open house.

9.29.20 Rick Jensen
Crookston resident Rick Jensen spoke with Ron West this week. Rick recently won a merit award for his wood carving sculpture “Tree house” in the the NW Art Exhibit. Listen to Rick’s interesting stories below!

9.22.20 Candace Osborn
Ada Artist Candace Osborn was featured on this week’s podcast. Candace won third place in the NW Art Exhibit for her sculpture “Giraffe.” Candace spoke with Ron about how she created the sculpture and her art. Listen to hear all about it!

9.15.20 Dennis Kinkead
Hallock resident Dennis Kinkead spoke with Ron West this week. Dennis won a merit award for his sculpture Landing Crow in the NW Art Exhibit. His sculpture is made of steel. Dennis has art for sale and can create custom pieces. Listen to learn more!

9.1.20 Rob Burkel
Artist of the Year and Thief River Falls resident Rob Burkel spoke with Pioneer 90.1 Ron West this week. Rob received this award for theater arts. Read more about Rob on our website. And, to learn more listen to the podcast !

8.25.20 Joe Wavra
NW Star Award Winner Joe Wavra is this week’s featured podcast. Joe spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West about his art (chainsaw carving), support from the NWMAC and receiving the award. Congrats, Joe! Listento learn more.

8.18.20 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. They talked about the annual NW Art Exhibit taking place in Warren this year (visit in person and/or watch online here) , Of the Year Awards, grants for disaster relief for artists, and other NWMAC happenings.

8.4.20 Bruce Piersol
Red Lake Falls Musician Bruce Piersol is this week’s featured podcast guest. Bruce is the 2020 recipient of the Arts Advocate of the Year Award. Bruce will be honored later this month. Our Arts Advocate of the Year award is given each year to recognize arts advocates within our seven-county region who stand out in terms of volunteerism in the arts. Of the Year award winners were nominated by area residents. This award comes with a cash award of $500.00. Funding for the Northwest Arts Advocate of the Year comes from the Minnesota State Legislature. Congrats, Bruce! Listen to learn more about Bruce and his work advocating the arts.

7.28.20 MN Veterans Memorial Project
Alicia Spilde and Artist Nick Reitzel were this week’s featured podcast. Alicia and Nick spoke about a veteran’s kiosk mural that is in the process of being created in the Marshall County courthouse. The group received funding from the NWMAC for the project honoring veterans. Listen to hear more about it!
7.21.20 Kristin Eggerling of NWMAC and Freedom Festival
7.21.20 Kristin Eggerling and Freedom Festival
NWMAC Promotions Specialist Kristin Eggerling announced the Of the Year Award Winners. Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West spoke about the upcoming Freedom Festival in Goodridge and the schedule filled with local musicians and artists. Listen for details!