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12.14.21 Aliza Novacek-Olson
Aliza Novacek-Olson is this week’s featured podcast. Aliza is a fiber artist who weaves and felts. Aliza has been awarded grants from the NWMAC and regularly enters her work in NWMAC exhibits. She is also on the NWMAC Teaching Artist Roster. Recently, she’s been teaching needle felting workshops and classes in our region. Listen to hear more!

12.7.21 Jim Johanneck
This week’s featured podcast guest is Wood Artist Jim Johanneck of Red Lake Falls. He's selling his creations — bowls, jewelry boxes, cutting boards, tables, charcuterie boards, and vases via Jim Johanneck Wood Artistry at the Columbia Mall until December 31 Mondays through Saturdays from 11 am to 7 pm and on Sundays from 1 to 6pm. Jim entered 2 root ball vases in the NW Art Exhibit in Warroad in August and he's got a vase in the Traveling Art Exhibit. Listen to hear more and stop by the mall to see his art!

11.30.21 Gail Ose
Artist Gail Ose of Thief River Falls is featured on this week’s podcast. She has had art in a number of our exhibits (Black Lives Matter, Tiny Art, NW Annual Art Exhibit, Artists of NW Exhibit) and she's in our Artists of NW Minnesota booklet. Gail owns the 509 Gallery and is creating the Serendipity Art Hub in Thief River. Gail is a visual artist, potter and more! She and Ron West speak about her creative process and artistic ventures. She’s also organizing an artist retreat in Ely next summer. Find out more on her website: https://www.serendipityarthub.com/ and listen to the podcast!
11.23.21 Nancy Vraa
Nancy Vraa spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West about her fiber art. Nancy won a merit award in the NW Art Exhibit this year. She knits and spins, felts and dyes natural fiber. Nancy has received grants for a spinning wheel and a knitting machine from the NWMAC. Listen to learn more!

11.16.21 Michael McColl
Fosston Artist Michael McColl spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West for this week’s podcast. He’s an art teacher in Fosston, and he draws, paints, and sculpts and used to build cabinets. Mike is on the board of the Fosston Community Library and Arts Association. They applied for and received a grant from the NWMAC for a public sculpture called “Flight of the Deco” that Mike created. Listen to hear more and visit Fosston to see the sculpture.

11.9.21 Andy Hall
Photographer Andy Hall was this week’s featured podcast. Andy owns Sweetlight Photography in Crookston. Andy has photography on display in our current exhibit at NCTC — Artists of NW Minnesota. He’s also on our Enhanced Artist Listing. Andy will be at the Artist Reception on Friday, November 19 in Thief River Falls. Listen to the conversation to learn more!

11.2.21 Wade Benson
Wade Benson, Director of TRFACT’s performance of Plaza Suite, spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West. They talked about theater, this show, directing, and more. Listen to the conversation!

10.26.21 Ann Novacek
Greenbush Artist Ann Novacek spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Ann received the Artist Advocate of the Year Award this year. They spoke about her art and her involvement in the arts. Listen to learn more about Ann!

10.19.21 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. They talked about Mara’s own artwork (photography, mosaics) that is on display in our current exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls. The exhibit features artists who have a listing in our Artists of NW Minnesota Booklet. They also spoke about upcoming grant deadlines, the traveling art exhibit (currently in Ada), our new website, and our search for some new board members in all of our counties, but especially Kittson, Roseau, Pennington, Norman, and Red Lake. Listen to the podcast to hear all the details!
10.12.21 Kansas Jensen
Student Artist Kansas Jensen of Goodridge spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week about her artistic process and inspiration. Kansas won first prize in the student category in the annual NW Art Exhibit that took place in Warroad in August.

10.5.21 Donald Kakaygeesick
Donald Kakaygeesick spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week about his art. Donald was recently awarded the NW Star Award for his lifetime achievement in the arts. Donald has experience with many mediums including acrylic, oils, watercolor, and carving. He is a teacher and leader in Ojibwe culture and history. Listen to the engaging conversation with Donald!

9.28.21 Ben Johnston
Warroad Summer Theater premiered “Gone Fishin’” for their fall dinner theater. A new play written and directed by Roseau native Ben Johnston, “Gone Fishin’” takes it’s inspiration from growing up near Lake of the Woods, and the colorful characters you can meet in Northern Minnesota. The play also has undeniable influences from shows like “Grumpy Old Men” and “Escanaba in da Moonlight”. Listen to the podcast to hear more about the show and Ben’s inspiration.

9.21.21 Luverne Seifert
Luverne Seifert, co-founder of Sod House Theater, spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West about the theater company and their upcoming show Arla Mae’s Booyah Wagon in Crookston, Hallock, and Stephen. Listen to this engaging discussion and see this live theater in our region!

9.14.21 Brianna Geer
Brianna Geer, Director of the Middle River Community Theatre production of The Outsider, is this week’s featured podcast. The show is the Goose Festival show this year. Listen to hear more about the play.

9.7.21 Gerald Amiot
Listen to Jerry Amiot and Ron West talk about Pioneer Day in Crookston this week and all the arts activities! The NWMAC provides a grant for the event.

8.31.21 Dale Jacobson
Poet and published author Dale Jacobson spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Dale recently led some online writing sessions for the NWMAC via StreamYard to help people write for our current exhibit at NCTC — elemental: earth, air, fire, water, space. Dale also wrote a piece for the exhibit. Listen to their interesting discussion.

8.24.21 Mara Hanel
This week’s podcast features NWMAC Director Mara Hanel. Mara spoke about the annual NW Art Exhibit in Warroad, Of the Year Awards (Artist of the Year Connie Nelson, Artist Advocate Ann Novacek, and NW Star Award Donald Kakaygeesick), and openings for the NWMAC board (apply today!). Listen to learn more and visit the exhibit while you can!

8.17.21 Charles Eickhof Loon!
Charles Eickhof of Crookston spoke about the feature length film Loon! that he and his cousin Kale Eickhof wrote, directed, acted in and produced. There’s a red carpet event in Crookston at the Grand Theater on Friday August 20 during Ox Cart Days. The NWMAC provided grant funding. Listen to the discussion and attend the premier!

8.10.2021 Sarah Homme
Sarah Homme of Warroad spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West about the Allison Park Summer Series and the Northwest Minnesota Art Exhibit (opening later this week in Warroad).

8.3.21 Carol Ihle Art & Wine Walk
Carol Ihle of the Zehlians spoke with Ron West about the upcoming Art & Wine Walk in Thief River. It takes place on August 12. Listen to hear all about it!