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1.30.24 Andy Hall
Photographer Andy Hall has an exhibit at our gallery at NCTC right now -- Pulled in Many Directions Photography by Andy Hall. Andy spoke about the exhibit, his photography, funding he received from the NWMAC, and Sweetlight Gallery, his shop in Crookston (including pieces he has for sale).

12.5.23 Beth Carlson
Beth Carlson has a long theater career in Crookston. She retired as the Music Teacher from the Cathedral School and is the One Act and Three Act Director at Crookston High School. She spoke about that and upcoming theater events. They are currently working on their One Act performances. This year Crookston HS is hosting the competition. Listen to learn more!

11.28.23 Trey Everett
NWMAC Showcase Specialist Trey Everett talked about what is involved in creating our exhibits and some behind-the-scenes info about his job. Trey is also an artist. He is primarily a pen and ink artist and creates murals throughout our region. Trey also works as a teaching artist. This fall he was awarded a national rural arts award, which is quite an honor. Listen for details!

10.3.23 Chris Trostad
Highland Elementary School Principal Chris Trostad from the Crookston School District spoke about a grant that the school received from the NWMAC for a visual art residency and mural last spring. Artist Trey Everett created a mural outside the Student Success Center at Highland Elementary School that included positive words and phrases to encourage and inspire students to be kind and respectful to others. Trey spent the week designing and painting the mural and teaching students about mural work and creativity. Students were given the opportunity to submit words or phrases that are important to them and that compliment the theme. With the guidance of Everett and classroom teachers, students had a chance to imagine and then create a design of their own calligram mural. Throughout the school week students saw the progress of the mural as well as interacting with Trey. Classrooms gathered around the mural for a question and answer time. As a final wrap up, Trey had a workshop on the step by step process of creating various types of indoor and outdoor murals, how students can create their own murals, and the Three Secret Teachings of Creativity: Process not product, non-judgment, being kind to yourself. The school plans to apply for more grants! Listen to hear all about this project and more!

9.5.23 Jerry Amiot Pioneer Day
This week’s guest Jerry Amiot spoke about Pioneer Day. This yearly event will be on September 10 and features live music, blacksmithing demonstrations, history, tours, food, and more! The event is sponsored by the Polk County Historical Society and received funding from the NWMAC. Listen for the schedule and other details.

8.29.23 Darcey Engen
Darcey Engen, Co-Founder of Sod House Theater based in Minneapolis, spoke about the theater company and some upcoming shows in our region. Sod House will be putting on their show TABLE in Crookston on September 21 at the Eagles Club and in Hallock on September 23 at Far North Spirits. The NWMAC provided funding for the Hallock show. Darcey spoke about the theater company, the upcoming shows, the cast, and their work to bring theater all over Minnesota. For more information about the show and for tickets visit their website: www.SodHouseTheater.org.

8.8.23 George French
Crookston resident and Associate Professor George French is featured in this week’s podcast. George teaches music at UMC in Crookston and is a church organist. He provided a follow up about his organ workshops and recitals that have been happening throughout our region. George received a grant from the NWMAC to offer the workshops and recitals. Listen to hear all about the grant and how things have been going!

6.6.23 Shirley Iverson
Shirley Iverson is the owner of Sistas Corner located downtown Crookston. Shirley spoke about upcoming classes (or some former ones, too), what they offer, local art for sale, their search for artists to teach workshops and sell their art, and more. They will even ship art! Listen to learn more!

11.1.22 Tammy Parkin
Tammy Parkin spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West about a grant that the Golden Link Senior Center in Crookston received for an artist series, which included Artists Trey Everett (This is what heals me 2D and 3D mixed media), Cindy Kolling (Mini-murals coloring), Elizabeth Rockstad (mosaics), and Connie Hannesson (historic storyteller/performance art). These popular arts workshops were offered free of charge to the Golden Link members, guests, and the community. Listen to hear all about them!

9.6.22 Gerald Amiot
Polk County Historical Society Board Member Jerry Amiot spoke about Pioneer Day in Crookston at the Polk County Historical Museum on Sunday, September 11 (11 am to 5 pm). The NWMAC provided funding for music (including vocal, fiddle, and accordion) at the event — Double the Trouble, Alex Conwell, and the Ross Sutter Musicians. There is also a blacksmithing demonstration featuring Randy Oberg. Listen to hear the details and attend the event this Sunday!

1.18.22 George French
George French is featured on this week’s podcast. George is a music professor at UMC. He recently received a grant from the NWMAC to present a workshop series throughout our region to introduce organ playing to interested high school students. A recital will follow in each location. George is reaching out to area music teachers and piano instructors to get the word out. Listen to the podcast to learn more!