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7.5.22 Rena Bouchard
Rena Bouchard is this week’s featured podcast guest. Rena spoke with Host Ron West about InProgress and their Fresh Voice's Digital Storytelling Project, which they received a grant for from the NWMAC. Rena also recently joined our board.
In Progress’s purpose is to diversify cultural dialogue and pave the way for new voices in the field of digital art making. In Progress provides opportunities for artists of all ages to develop their skills as digital storytellers and leaders through the use of photography, video, and music. This small non-profit has been promoting the voices of new and emerging artists since its inception in 1996, breaking down barriers of geography, class, education, and culture in the process. They use digital art making as a tool for public discourse, while building the skills of new and developing makers so they may create, teach and lead.
One aspect of the Digital Storytelling Project is Digital Kids, an introductory workshop to the art of digital storytelling dedicated to children age 12 and under and supporting family members. Participants work in family units to write a story that they then illustrate using cameras, audio equipment and iMovie editing software. This is an introductory level workshop designed to introduce basic storytelling concepts that is centered within the values of the families participating. Listen to learn more!