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2.5.25 Beau Bakken
Hallock Artist Beau Bakken spoke about his art, the background of and his work in the current exhibit Around the Farm, his artistic influences, painting murals, and more. He continues to think about what his high school art teacher Kay Rosengren told him,“Paint what you see and not what you think you see.” He is the featured artist in the current NWMAC Gallery exhibit Around the Farm. Listen to hear more.

11.28.23 Trey Everett
NWMAC Showcase Specialist Trey Everett talked about what is involved in creating our exhibits and some behind-the-scenes info about his job. Trey is also an artist. He is primarily a pen and ink artist and creates murals throughout our region. Trey also works as a teaching artist. This fall he was awarded a national rural arts award, which is quite an honor. Listen for details!
2.15.22 Connie Nelson
Hallock Artist Connie Nelson spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Connie created a mural series of 20 4x8 panels along Highway 75 in Hallock last year with a grant from the NWMAC. Connie received the Artist of the Year Award from the NWMAC last year. Nominations are open for Of the Year Awards, including Artist of the Year, Arts Advocate of the Year, and NW Star Award.