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1.30.24 Andy Hall
Photographer Andy Hall has an exhibit at our gallery at NCTC right now -- Pulled in Many Directions Photography by Andy Hall. Andy spoke about the exhibit, his photography, funding he received from the NWMAC, and Sweetlight Gallery, his shop in Crookston (including pieces he has for sale).

10.31.23 Loren Younggren
Hallock Photographer Loren Younggren, owner of Younggren Photography, received a quick turnaround grant last year for location lighting equipment. The equipment allows him to get out and take location photos easier. Loren spoke about his photography and how things have changed over the years. His business — Younggren Photography offers framing services for artwork in addition to photography services. Loren also spoke about being a Kittson County Commissioner and his artwork in past NW Minnesota annual exhibits. Finally, Loren goes all out for Halloween and his yard is not-to-miss. This year he created a haunted trail open to all visitors. Listen for details!

1.31.23 Bert Foster
Featured this week is Thief River Falls Photographer Bert Foster. Bert and his wife Christine Foster have an exhibit at the NWMAC Gallery at NCTC right now -- Northern Exposure: Paintbrush and Camera until March 3. Bert spoke about his photography, his artistic journey, his love of nature, grants he’s received from the NWMAC, and more. You can view the exhibit virtually https://youtu.be/n3BEnrQlPBs. An Artist Reception was held on the 31st at the gallery from 6 to 8pm. Most of the work in the exhibit is for sale. Visit the exhibit and listen to the podcast to learn more about Bert and his work!