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2.5.25 Beau Bakken
Hallock Artist Beau Bakken spoke about his art, the background of and his work in the current exhibit Around the Farm, his artistic influences, painting murals, and more. He continues to think about what his high school art teacher Kay Rosengren told him,“Paint what you see and not what you think you see.” He is the featured artist in the current NWMAC Gallery exhibit Around the Farm. Listen to hear more.

4.9.24 Pat Danielson
Grand Forks Artist Pat Danielson was the juror of our annual NW Art Exhibit this year in Lake Bronson. Pat viewed each piece several times and looked at it carefully. She said, “while technique is important, I looked for art that surprised with its original idea, showed clear intention, was well executed and presented, and especially that drew me back to learn more about it.”
“This exhibit showed a wide variety of media—paintings, ceramics, fiber arts, sculpture, photography, fused glass, mosaic, assemblages, digital art—in many sizes and many shapes! Some of the treasures offered were small works and made no less impact than large ones.”
As an artist, Pat has worked in water media, ink, pastel, pencil, oils, photography, clay, and fibers. She is a member of the River Forks Watercolor Society and of Arts for Vets. She sees “art as a natural community builder. Art invites participation not only for those who wish to try it as a means of expression or for fun, but also for the many community members who enjoy viewing all the different forms of art and supporting their family and friends who create it! We need to celebrate both as individuals and as a community. “
Thanks, Pat for jurying our exhibit!
The exhibit is open until April 21. On the 21st it opens at noon. The reception starts at 2 PM and the awards program at 3PM.

3.5.24 Jeanne O’Neil
Musician and Visual Artist Jeanne O’Neil spoke about her music (she plays concertina and the banjo) and the new exhibit Fiddle Tunes, Fiber Folk & Prairie Prints Featuring Jeanne Griffin O’Neil and Erin Jeanne O’Neil at the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls through April 2024.
The newest prints in this show come from a series of sketches Jeanne made over the past summers of her land. This includes silkscreen, lithograph, mono prints, etchings, and linocuts. She explained that each print is the original print. There are approximately 25 prints in the exhibit.
Jeanne’s daughter Erin O’Neil plays the fiddle and created the Twenty of Plenty tune book. This was an effort to get some of her tune compositions transcribed so that they could be introduced into wider circles of musicians. Erin received a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council through funding from the McKnight Foundation. The descriptions and illustration throughout the book offer insight into the meaning of the compositions. The cultural influences for these tunes include French Canadian, Irish, Scandinavian, Scottish traditional fiddle music, New England Contra Dance music, Old Time Appalachian music, and Metis fiddle tunes.
Erin also has Rag Folk pieces in this exhibit. The Rag Folk represent preservation of what has been used in everyday life and creating new lives out of old scraps and rags. Erin started creating these pieces with a passion for recycling and reducing waste and a desire to connect with others.
Jeanne and Erin both play in the O’Neil Family Band. The band holds many community dances in our region and there are some coming up. Upcoming dances include one in EGF on April 6 at 2 pm; April 20 in Duluth; May 4 in Fosston; and May 18 in Bemidji. The band will play at the Artist Reception on April 24.
An artist reception at the gallery will be held at Northland Community and Technical College on Wednesday, April 24 at 6 PM. Everyone is welcome to join us for this free event. There will be live music by the O’Neil Family Band and refreshments.
Many pieces of art in this exhibit are for sale. You are welcome to purchase at any time and pick up when the exhibit ends. Listen to learn more!

10.17.23 Stephanie Olson
Thief River Falls Artist and Goodridge English Teacher Stephanie Olson is the featured artist in our current exhibit -- Figures of Ghosts and Dreams: The Artwork of Stephanie Olson. She spoke about the artwork, the exhibit, the Artist Reception on Wednesday, October 17, her inspiration, and more! Listen for details and attend the Artist Reception at NCTC on Oct 17 from 6 to 8 PM (there will be live art, live fiddle music, snacks, and drinks!)

4.18.23 Kate Hammer and Mike Anderson
The focus of this podcast is our Art of Addiction Exhibit . The first guest is Artist Kate Hammer of Roseau. She spoke about her pottery or ceramics and the NWMAC exhibit Art of Addiction that is currently open at our gallery at NCTC. The bulk of the exhibit features Kate’s works on the topic of addiction. Here's a video tour of the exhibit: https://youtu.be/QMU-LXZzkEc. Watch the video to see all of the pieces of art in this exhibit. Kate sells her work at art shows. Her work in the exhibit includes vases, platters, postcards, tiles, acrylic paintings, and more. Some of these works are for sale.
The second guest is Mike Anderson. Mike manages the Northwestern Apartments transitional living facility in Crookston. Residents at NW Apartments created artwork for the Art of Addiction exhibit — 9 12 x12 canvas paintings are included in the exhibit that were created in a workshop with the residents. Earlier Mike stated, “For those who have struggled with mental health and substance use problems in their life, recovery is a sometimes long and arduous path. Often it can literally be a life and death struggle. Residents of the Northwestern Apartments (NWA) transitional living facility know that struggle intimately. Many residents come to NWA from inpatient mental health facilities, homeless shelters, substance use programs, and incarceration. Criteria for admission is to have a serious mental illness, and about 3/4 of residents also have a co-occurring substance use disorder. But whether it is stabilizing mental health symptoms, or the daily challenge to stay clean and sober, recovery is the goal of all. Inclusion in this art therapy project, The Art of Addiction, was a great way for residents to “go deeper.” After an initial session with local artist Trey Everett, the residents engaged with supplies and canvas to work on their own creation, with the general theme of addiction and recovery as a guide. Residents spent a week with their art. Many did several art pieces. Some were unable to finish one. Others felt their art was too personal to put on display. The project was captivating – residents were in the community room, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups, at all times of the day and night, working on their art, talking, and healing. One of the keys to recovery is connection, and this project provided that in addition to a personal and therapeutic experience that helped all involved on their healing path.”
Listen to the podcast to learn more!

1.25.22 Betsy Saurdiff
This week Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West spoke with Potter Betsy Saurdiff. Betsy currently has an exhibit at the NWMAC Gallery at NCTC — Celebrations: The Ceramic Art of Betsy Saurdiff. The NWMAC will be holding an Artist Spotlight with her on Thursday, January 27 at 2 pm. This discussion will be available to watch and comment live on the NWMAC Facebook page or YouTube page, as well as anytime afterwards. An Artist Reception will be held with Betsy on Saturday, February 12 from 3 to 5 pm at the gallery. Listen to hear more!