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11.13.24 Jessica Schumacher
Jessica Schumacher is the Executive Director of the Greater Grand Forks Symphony Orchestra. She spoke with Phil McKenzie about the orchestra, the music they play, their philosophy, their conductor, schedule and more!
The orchestra has an upcoming concert in East Grand Forks on December 15 at 2:30 pm at the East Grand Forks Performing Arts Center at the high school. The Northern Valley Youth Orchestra will join them. Listen for all the details!

11.14.23 Bonnie Stewart
Arts Advocate Bonnie Stewart of Fosston spoke about the history of the arts in Fosston. She described the details of the name change from FCLAA to the Aurora Center for the Arts. Their board undertook a branding campaign as a part of the name change. She also provided information about upcoming events like the Dan Rodriguez concert on December 8 and the Daisy Hagen Auction for the Arts on Sunday, November 26. Listen to learn more and visit Fosston to take in these fun events!