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11.14.23 Bonnie Stewart
Arts Advocate Bonnie Stewart of Fosston spoke about the history of the arts in Fosston. She described the details of the name change from FCLAA to the Aurora Center for the Arts. Their board undertook a branding campaign as a part of the name change. She also provided information about upcoming events like the Dan Rodriguez concert on December 8 and the Daisy Hagen Auction for the Arts on Sunday, November 26. Listen to learn more and visit Fosston to take in these fun events!

11.7.23 Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson of Thief River Falls is the Director of the Thief River Falls Area Community Theater. She and Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West spoke about ACT's upcoming An Evening of Short Comedies November 16-18. She entertained Ron with stories about her theater background and more. Finally, she provided an update about other ACT shows and happenings. Listen to learn more and head to Thief River to see the show!

9.12.23 Max La Coursiere
Max LaCoursiere spoke about a grant the Oxbow Foundation received from the NWMAC to sponsor Thief River Falls Artist Christine Foster for a Painting Presentation and Workshop at the 2nd Annual Louisville Days Fall Festival. He also provided details about the event itself on September 23. Registration is strongly encouraged for the art workshop (taking place from 1:30 to 3PM on the 23rd). Find the Oxbow Foundation on Facebook by searching The Oxbow at Old Crossing. Listen for details.

9.5.23 Jerry Amiot Pioneer Day
This week’s guest Jerry Amiot spoke about Pioneer Day. This yearly event will be on September 10 and features live music, blacksmithing demonstrations, history, tours, food, and more! The event is sponsored by the Polk County Historical Society and received funding from the NWMAC. Listen for the schedule and other details.

6.20.23 Don Merkens
Norman County Fair President Don Merkens talked about events and shows at the upcoming Norman County Fair. This includes the acts of Magic Joe, Pikadilly (face painting), Studio 4:13 (mosaics) and Whittney Pittman (local performing musical artist). They received grant funds from the NWMAC The Norman County Fair in Ada MN is on June 21-24, 2023. Listen for details.

9.6.22 Gerald Amiot
Polk County Historical Society Board Member Jerry Amiot spoke about Pioneer Day in Crookston at the Polk County Historical Museum on Sunday, September 11 (11 am to 5 pm). The NWMAC provided funding for music (including vocal, fiddle, and accordion) at the event — Double the Trouble, Alex Conwell, and the Ross Sutter Musicians. There is also a blacksmithing demonstration featuring Randy Oberg. Listen to hear the details and attend the event this Sunday!

8.30.22 Lee Ann Hall
Lee Ann Hall of the Ada Chamber of Commerce spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West. The Chamber of Commerce received a grant from the NWMAC for arts and entertainment during Fun in the Flatlands taking place September 9, 10, and 11. Events include George's Concertina Band, blacksmithing from Raven Works Forge from Roseau, and basket weaving with Buffy Rockstad. Listen to the podcast to hear all the details.

7.19.22 Paige Shannon
This week’s podcast featured Singer-Songwriter Paige Shannon. Shannon performed downtown Hallock on Friday, July 22 as part of a summer music series. Hallock received a grant from the NWMAC for this series that includes the Wood Picks (they performed in June) and the Downtown Horns (they'll be performing August 26). Earlier this spring Shannon filmed a music video for one of her singles in Hallock and a number of residents participated. Listen to the interview to learn more and to hear some of the music.