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9.25.18 Barb Geer
Barb Geer, Publisher of the Middle River Honker, talked to Ron West about the upcoming Goosefest in Middle River and the Goosefest production of How to Talk Minnesotan. Listen to the podcast and make a plan to attend the play and all the other activities there.

9.11.18 Debbie Aune
Greenbush Middle River School Art Teacher Debbie Aune and Student Issie Brockhouse talked with Ron West about the Bemidji Plein Air Watercolor Workshop that transpired on the streets of Bemidji this summer. Listen to the discussion!

8.28.18 Chris Kirchner
Sculptor and Warren Art Teacher Chris Kirchner talked with Ron West this week. He was a teacher recently at Art Camp in Warren. He talked about art, art camp, receiving a Quick Turn Around Grant for his art and a grant for Arts Equipment in the Schools.

8.21.18 Virgil Benoit
Virgil Benoit filled Ron West in on the history and all the happenings at the Chautauqua and French-Canadian/Metis Festival happening this weekend.

8.14.18 Jill Levene
Artist-Printmaker Jill Levene was Ron West’s guest this week. Jill has an exhibit at the Riverwalk Gallery right now. She also has a piece of art in our traveling exhibit and can be found in the newest artists booklet. Listen to their chat.

8.7.18 Bert Foster
Photographer Bert Foster and Ron West talked about the NW Art Exhibit (Bert won 3rd place), his photography, and receiving a Quick Turn-Around grant from the NWMAC. Listen below to their conversation!

7.31.18 Sherri Kruger
Artist Sherri Kruger spoke with Ron West this week about Badger’s Heritage Wall. She received a merit award in our latest art exhibit and is also in our newest edition of Artists of NW Minnesota booklet. Listen to their chat!

7.24.18 Darcey Engen
Darcey Engen, co- founder of Sod House Theater and Augsburg University Theater Dept Chair, spoke with Ron West today. Sod House is visiting Hallock this week to perform An Enemy of the People that incorporates original blue grass music and features professional and local actors. Listen to their chat below and make sure you attend the show on Wednesday or Thursday evening this week!

7.17.18 Joe Kezar Part 2
Part 2 of Joe Kezar‘s interview is our podcast this week. Ron West and Joe talk about The WoodPicks and even play some of the music. Listen to the discussion and the music!

7.10.18 Joe Kezar
Joe Kezar, owner of Kezar Music and WoodPicks musician, was Ron West’s guest this week. Joe and Ron spoke about music and Kezar’s. Listen to Part 1 of their chat (Part 2 is next week) and some WoodPick’s music.

6.26.2018 Judy Szklarski
Artist Judy Szklarski of Argyle spoke with Ron West this week about her art and her current exhibit at the Riverwalk Artist Gallery in East Grand Forks open until July 14. Listen to their discussion and make sure you stop by the gallery to see her artwork!

6.19.18 Pam Gunnerson
Pam Gunnerson was Ron West’s guest this week. With a grant from the NWMAC, Pam coordinated a barn quilt workshop and trail in Norman County. What’s a barn quilt and a barn quilt trail? Visit https://barnquiltsmn.org/ and listen below to find out! The quilts will be exhibited at the Norman County Fair (Fair is June 20-23).

6.12.18 Tami Lee
Tami Lee of Tami Lee and the Northern Lights spoke with Ron West this week about her music. She is listed in our new Artists of Northwest Minnesota booklet. Listen to the podcast!

6.5.18 Kim Hruba
Writer Kim Hruba was Pioneer 90.1’s guest this week. She spoke with Ron West about her writing and an artist retreat that she coordinates each fall. This year the retreat is September 6-9 and is still accepting participants. Listen to find out more!
5.29.2018 Rock Bakken
Artist and Hallock Business Owner Rock Bakken spoke with Ron West this week about his art, his business, color and his philosophy about art. Rock received 1st place in the NW Art Exhibit for his portrait of a Hereford bull. Listen to their chat and visit Rock at Bakken Boots in Hallock to see his artwork!

5.22.2018 Mara Hanel
Ron West hosted NWMAC Executive Director Mara Hanel this week. They talked about the newly published Artists of NW Minnesota Booklet and the Showcase Specialist contract position that is open at the Arts Council (Deadline to apply is June 1).

5.15.2018 Jim Kent NW Star Award Winner
Northwest Star Award Winner Jim Kent spoke with Ron West this week about his passion and commitment to music and receiving the award from the NWMAC.

5.8.18 Scott Pream
Artist of the Year Scott Pream was Pioneer 90.1 Ron West’s guest this week. They spoke about the award and Scott’s acting and more. Listen to learn more!

5.01.2018 Betsy Saurdiff Arts Advocate of the Year
Arts Advocate of the Year Betsy Saurdiff spoke with Ron West about her work advocating and creating art. She was also awarded a merit award in the recent NW Minnesota Art Exhibit. Congrats, Betsy and thank you for work on behalf of art!