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6.22.21 Don Merkens. Norman County Fair
Don Merkens spoke to Pioneer 90.1 Mark Johnson this week about the Norman County Fair in Ada. Don shared an update about the fair entertainment, like a puppet show on Youth Day and musical acts including bluegrass and polka that are funded by the NWMAC. Listen to hear all about it! And, head over to Ada this week for the fair.

6.15.21 Jason Steinbrenner
Fosston Artist Jason Steinbrenner spoke with Pioneer 90.1 Mark Johnson this week. Mark was filling in for Ron West. Jason has 4 pieces of art in our Tiny Art exhibit. Jason talked about his artistic process and the exhibit. Listen to learn more!

6.8.21 Jane Anderson
Thief River Falls Area Community Theater Director Jane Anderson is this week’s featured podcast. Jane spoke TRFACT activities this past year during COVID and what’s coming up with TRFACT performances. Listen to hear all about it!
6.1.21 Cheri Reese. Hallock Musical Chimes
Cheri Reese spoke with Ron West this week about the outdoor musical chimes in Centennial Park downtown Hallock. Listen to learn all about them and Hallock, as well!

5.18.21 Emily Finney
Halstad Resident Emily Finney was featured on this week’s podcast. Emily and Ron West talked how the the world’s largest sugar beet sculpture in Halstad came to be (as Ron referred to as the “big idea for the big beet”), including the idea, the artist, the planning process, and the funding (which included a grant from the NWMAC) . It truly was a community effort. Listen to hear all about it!

5.4.21 Mara Hanel
This week NWMAC Director Mara Hanel and Ron West talk art and arts council news. Listen to hear about upcoming grant deadlines, events, and exhibits!

4.27.21 Zack Rowatt
This week Roseau Artist Zack Rowatt spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West. Zack has artwork in the current NWMAC Bird Exhibit. He also received a quick turn around grant from NWMAC recently. Listen to learn more!

4.13.21 Chris Wavra
Our featured artist in this week’s podcast was Chris Wavra. Chris is a potter. She received a grant from the NWMAC for a pottery wheel. Listen to hear all about it!

4.6.21 Ross Hier
This week Wildlife Biologist and Artist Ross Hier was the guest on the podcast. Ross has a large body of artwork in our current exhibit Birds: An Exhibit of Work by Ross Hier and Other Regional Artists. Ross has had his work in a number of our exhibits. Listen to learn more and visit the exhibit! You won’t regret it.
3.30.21 Ivy Bailie
Fosston Artist Ivy Bailie was featured in this week’s podcast. Ivy has a piece of art in our current exhibit — Birds: An Exhibit of Work by Ross Hier and Other Regional Artists. She has exhibited in a number of our past exhibits as well. Listen to here about her painting workshops and more!

3.23.21 Sherri Kruger, Badger Mosaic Artist
Badger Math Teacher and Mosaic Artist Sherri Kruger spoke to Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Sherri talked about her piece of art in the Bird Exhibit. She also filled Ron in about her motivation and training in art and the mosaic wall in Badger, as well as the impact of the NWMAC. Listen to learn more!

2.23.21 Jeanna Kujava
Kittson County Public Health and School nurse Jeanna Kujava is featured on this week’s podcast. Jeanna spoke about a Healing Arts Residency at Kittson Central, Lancaster and Karlstad highschools that she received a grant from the NWMAC to sponsor. Listen to hear all about it!

2.16.21 Connie Nelson
Hallock resident Connie Nelson spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Connie received a grant from the NWMAC to paint mural panels along Highway 75 in Hallock. Listen to hear more about the project or visit Hallock to see them in person!

2.9.21 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel is featured on this week’s podcast. Mara spoke about the biennial plan and how to give your feedback, upcoming grant and other deadlines, our current exhibits at NCTC and Arts Advocacy Day. Listen to learn all the details

2.2.21 Kathryn Rynning
Kennedy photography Kathryn Rynning spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Kathryn’s photography is featured in our current exhibit — Peonies & Players: A Photography Exhibit. Her photography in this exhibit is of peonies that she took on a trip to China. Listen to the podcast to learn more and visit the exhibit!
1.26.21 Victor and Azomali Obisakin
Crookston residents Victor and Azomali Obisakin are featured on this week’s podcast. Azomali is in 2nd grade and created art for the current NWMAC Black Lives Matter Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls. Victor spoke about Black Lives Matter. Listen to the conversation and visit the exhibit!

1.19.21 Scott DCamp
Photographer, TRF Times Sports Editor, and Northland Wrestling Coach Scott DCamp spoke to Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Scott’s photography is featured in NWMAC’s exhibit Peonies & Players: A Photography Exhibit. Scott’s part of the exhibit is of sports moments. Listen to the podcast and check out the exhibit!

1.5.21 Brandon LaPlante
Crookston sculptural artist Brandon LaPlante is featured on this week’s podcast. He recently received a grant from the NWMAC for an independent studio project that involves purchasing a shuttle bus, insulating it and creating a living and working space. Brandon is also a musician and he makes furniture. Listen to hear Brandon’s story and learn more about this project!

12.15.20 Andy Hall, Crookston Photographer and Owner of Sweetlight Gallery
Andy Hall spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West this week. Andy’s photography includes landscape images, the outdoors, regional images, and abandoned spaces. The Sweetlight Gallery is a wonderful source of local art — Andy’s photography, gift cards and work from other artists. You can find Andy on our enhanced listing, as well. Listen to the interview to learn more and to hear about Andy’s creative process!

12.8.20 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel is this week’s featured podcast. Mara and spoke with Ron West about what’s going on with the arts council and artists in our area, specifically digital arts assistance, NWMAC seeking a graphic designer, a Black Lives Matter canvas workshop this weekend, and ways to support local artists during this time. Listen for the details!