Call to Artists: You are invite to Sell your Art Sept 9/10 in Fosston
The Arts & Culture Commission in Fargo is looking for artists to sell their work
The Arts & Culture Commission in Fosston would like to invite you to display and sell your art September 9-10th. This event will coincide with Heritage Days and Forged in Fosston. All three organizations will be cross-promoting events to increase reach and awareness. Different this year... all artists will be housed together in one indoor location on Hwy 2 to provide optimal exposure to all those participating. The location will be clearly marked with several outdoor flags during the event days.
Current plans are as follows:
Friday, September 9th: 11am-2pm setup, 2pm-5:30pm OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Saturday, September 10th: 9am-3pm OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. 3pm-5pm takedown.
Allotted space per artist will be approximately 10x10.
You will be responsible for bringing any items you’ll need, including table, chairs, etc.
Water and snacks will be provided.
There is no charge to participate.
If you are interested in participating, please let Heidi Danos know by end-of-day on August 5. If you know other talented artists who may wish to participate please feel free to share this information. Reach out to Heidi with questions and to sign up at or 818.325.5053.