Arts News

CANCELED —Teaching Artist Roster Program (TARP) has upcoming training scheduled Apply until January 11!
Teaching Artist Roster Program (TARP) Training Will Be Held January-February 2023
Apply by January 11
What is being offered?
This is a series of 7 training sessions on professionally marketing and teaching your art form to students. Sessions include business skills on lesson plans, artistic statements, web listing, mock grant application on sponsoring you, mock press release on yourself.
Who should apply?
Area creatives interested in earning income by working within our local schools and festivals as an artist in residency.
Who will facilitate the training?
Jane Anderson of Thief River Falls again has agreed to serve as our consultant. Jane has led four cohorts in the past and does a great job. She’s also lots of fun.
When and Where will this be held?
Online for six Thursdays in 2023 from January 19 until February 23 from 6-9 PM on Zoom. Training ends on Saturday, February 25, 2023 in person in Warren from 10 AM - 4 PM.
What is the result?
In addition to honing your teaching skills, you will join our Teaching Artist Roster list on our website where schools and festivals go to select who they would like to sponsor with our grant funds. This is a wonderful opportunity to receive training for free! Being selected into the TARP cohort is the equivalent of receiving a $500 grant award.
How Do I Apply?
Log into our grants systems via the Grant Login button in the top righthand corner of our website. You will apply through that system.
Reach out to our director, Mara Hanel at or 218-745-8886.

December Newsletter 2022
Read about the latest in regional arts opportunities, including exhibits, grants, announcements, events, trainings, workshops, calls for art, and more in our December newsletter.

Artist-in-Residence Apply Now
McCanna House ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM through ND Museum of Art
Consider applying for the North Dakota Museum of Art McCanna House Artist-in-Residence Program. This retreat consists of a 1920’s farmhouse and large outlying steel building in the midst of the thriving farmland of the Red River Valley of Eastern North Dakota.
While the residency affords no dedicated media specific facilities at this time, the open mutable space of the house, barn and grounds affords opportunity for the creation of work in many scales. The powerfully vast physical space of the Great Plains allows the imagination to run wild, with the close proximity to large scale agriculture drawing one into the cycles of growth and harvest. Out of this open horizon emerges a peace and presence of mind uniquely conducive to creativity and artistic shift.
The solo residency consists of 2-4 week blocks throughout the operating year. Winter dictates that the house is open from June 1st to the end of September.
While there are no expectations for the artist to complete work during the residency, artists are asked to use their time wisely, and be aware of the transformative potential of time spent there. Artists will not be asked to teach classes, or give public lectures as a requirement of the residency.
Visit the NDMOA’s website for more info:

Join us for Tending the Creative Soul Dec 14 SPACE in Artwork
Please join us for our next Tending the Creative Soul where we will be exploring SPACE in artwork. Space is one of the most important elements in art.
Wednesday, December 14 from 5 to 6PM via Zoom
What is space in art and how do we work with it?
If you aren’t on our Tending the Creative Soul list, reach out to Trey for a Zoom link. We hope to see you there!

Find Accessible Arts Activities and/or Promote Your Accessible Arts Activities
Minnesota arts & cultural organizations offering accessible programs and services are welcome to list events on the Minnesota Accessible Activities Calendar. An account is required; register today or log in to submit events. New accounts need to be approved by the Minnesota Access Alliance board before you’ll be able to submit events. Please allow 48 hours for your registration to be approved.
The Minnesota Access Alliance (MNAA) provides this Accessible Arts & Culture Calendar for patrons who use accessibility accommodations. At the their website you’ll find listings of (in order):
* Captioning,
* ASL interpreting,
* Audio Description,
* Sensory-friendly accommodations, and
* Disability-related events.
Each listing links to more details on MNAA’s online calendar ( Be sure to check the listing or venue to find out its COVID-19 protocol and if you need to make an advance reservation for the accessibility service.
Minnesota Accessible Activities Calendar is here:
If you previously had an account to submit events to VSA Minnesota’s Accessible Art Activities Calendar, your credentials for that calendar are still valid here.
All submitted events are reviewed by the MNAA board before being published to the calendar. Please allow 48 hours for your submission to be approved.
This calendar only lists events that provide explicit accommodations for people with disabilities. Information about the accessibility of the event location and provided accommodations is a requirement in order to be listed.
To submit events and register start at this page:
If you know of other accessible events, please ask those venues to submit their events to the MNAA Calendar (and to
Anyone can get this monthly calendar: email and/or and indicate which list you want: the entire list or specifically ASL Interpreting, Captioning, Audio Description, Sensory Friendly accommodations or Disability-related topics.

Perpich Arts High School Accepting Applications until Feb 1
Perpich Arts High School is accepting applications until February 1
Perpich is a public, residential-optional, tuition-free high school for MN students in 11th and 12th grade. They are a unique public school created by the MN Legislature in 1985 and opened in 1989 to provide an in-depth art curriculum for students from across the state. Students study state required academics in the morning, then spend the afternoon in one of seven art concentrations:
Dance, Literary Arts (creative writing), Media Arts (photography and cinema), Music, Musical Theater, Theater, and Visual Arts.
Learn more:
"Inspire people to believe in themselves and they will accomplish extraordinary things." - Gov. Rudy Perpich

Minnesota State Arts Board’s Operating Support Grant Program
Minnesota State Arts Board launches
FY 2024 Operating Support grant program
Application materials and online application forms are now available for the FY 2024 Operating Support grant program. Applications must be received before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, January 20, 2023.
Operating Support provides general support to high quality, established arts organizations that produce, present, or exhibit works of art; to organizations that provide a broad range of services to practicing artists; and to community arts schools and conservatories that make arts learning available to Minnesotans of all ages and abilities.
More detailed and specific requirements for this program are described in the FY 2024 Operating Support Program Overview and Application Instructions document posted on the Arts Board website:
All applicants are encouraged to carefully review the FY 2024 Operating Support Program Overview and Application Instructions, and pay particular attention to the program's eligibility requirements, before beginning an application.
For questions about the program, eligibility, or application requirements, please contact:
Sue Gens
(651) 539-2658; toll-free (800) 866-2787
For accessibility inquiries and accommodation requests contact:
Annick Dall-Desbois, outreach and accessibility coordinator
(651) 539-2651; toll-free (800) 866-2787 Minnesota Relay 711

Traveling Art Exhibit is at Ada Public Library
Traveling Art Exhibit Tours NW Minnesota Region
Visits Ada Public Library
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council (NWMAC) sponsors an annual Traveling Art Exhibit, which visits northwest Minnesota communities throughout the year. The exhibit includes 17 original pieces of art by regional adult and student artists, chosen from works submitted for our annual juried exhibit. The exhibit is currently at the Ada Public Library until mid-January 2023. Please stop by to see these works of art. Some of these pieces of art are for sale.
The 2022-2023 Artists and Artwork:
Ross Hier, Crookston, “Wood Splitter’s Alarm Clock” (Watercolor Painting) (Merit)
Elizabeth Kitchell-Rockstad, Ada, “Cornflower Bee” (Mosaic)
Heidi Danos, Fosston, “Hot Pink Sadness” (Mixed Media)
Stephanie Olson, Thief River Falls, “Monday’s Cat” (Painting)
Alicia Spilde, Karlstad, “Leaving” (Mixed Media)
Cindy Kolling, Gully, “Prairie Smoke” (Mixed Media/Other)
Jodi Peterson, Ada, “Cardinal” (Mosaic)
Kate Hammer, Roseau, “Abandoned” (Sculpture)
Nick Reitzel, Karlstad, “Across the Purple Sky” (Painting) (Merit)
Paulette Christianson, Badger, “Under the Orange Moon” (Pastel Drawing) (Merit)
Mason Owens, Crookston, “Peace is in the Roughness” (Wood Sculpture) (student) (Merit)
Kinsley Oslund, Grygla, “Crush” (Sculpture) (student)
Emily Balboa, Crookston, “Timeless Beauty” (Painting) (student)
Autumn Ruikka, Thief River Falls, “Bull Stamp” (Printmaking) (student)
Carlie Nehrus, Ada, “Jelly Fish” (Pen and Ink) (student)
Lakylie Brobst, Grygla, “Hayes Lake Skies” (Photography) (student) (Merit)
Paige Sturre, Thief River Falls, “Escaping the Bland” (Mixed Media/Watercolor) (student)
The 2022-2022 Traveling Exhibit Schedule*:
April 29 – June 16, 2022 Hallock Public Library
June 16 – August 8, 2022 Godel Memorial Library, Warren
August 8 – September 28, 2022 Greenbush Public Library
September 28 – November 22, 2022 Fosston Public Library
November 22, 2022 – January 17, 2023 Ada Public Library
January 17 – March 1, 2023 Red Lake Falls Public Library
March 1 – April TBD** Crookston Public Library
*The start and end dates at each location are approximate, depending on weather, venue hours and other circumstances that may occur to prohibit travel. For specific library hours, please contact each location before planning your visit, especially if you are planning on bringing a group.
** Tentatively Scheduled
For more information about the Traveling Exhibit or our other exhibits call our office at (218)-745-8886 or contact Trey at

Playwrights’ Center Programs Applications Open
In partnership with the McKnight and Jerome Foundations, the Playwrights’ Center provides more than $400,000 each year to playwrights and theater artists in the United States. In addition, they continue breaking ground with playwright-centric development processes, bold theater partnerships, and online and onsite resources serving 2,300 member playwrights worldwide. Their programs for playwrights and other theater artists, including deadlines are below.
For playwrights:
-The Many Voices Mentorship supports specifically BIPOC artists from Minnesota who are new to playwriting. (deadline December 1)
-The McKnight Fellowship in Playwriting supports mid-career/established Minnesota-based playwrights (deadline December 15)
For other theater artists:
-The McKnight Theater Artist Fellowship supports mid-career Minnesota-based theater artists other than playwrights (while the deadline for this program is March 30, 2023, it is helpful to submit an intent to apply as soon as possible.)
-The Core Writer Program supports professional playwrights from anywhere in the US for three years, including development support and career resources (deadline January 19)
Reach out to Julia Brown (she/her/hers), Artistic Programs Manager, for more information at
Playwrights’ | 612-332-7481 x.11152301 E. Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406

November Newsletter
Read about the latest in regional arts opportunities, including exhibits, grants, announcements, events, trainings, workshops, calls for art, and more!

Springboard’s With Us: Artists with Disabilities on Empowerment Nov 22
With Us: Artists with Disabilities Panel Series with David Fallon, Minda Mae & Alison Bergblom Johnson
Coming up on Tuesday, November 22, Springboard for the Arts is excited to welcome the start of the With Us panel series, where disabled artists will hold space for each other, share tips and practices, and embody the informal motto of the disability rights movement, “Nothing about us, without us.”
This panel series is space for artists with disabilities:
+ at any career level+ who practice with supports, such as…— within an organization that supports artists with disabilities— with services such as a PCA or ARMHS worker— within a Community Support Program— or any other needed supports+ who practice independently without formal supports+ who partner with mainstream arts organizations+ who are public about their disability+ who are quiet about itLed by artists and organizers Alison Bergblom Johnson, Minda Mae, and David Fallon, this event is open to all and closed captioning and ASL interpretation will be provided. Sign up to attend below!
Learn more and register at

Springboard for the Arts Ask Me Anything Zoom meeting Nov 21
NEW AMA conversation with Bethany Lacktorin and Dominic Facio
Monday, November 21 join performance artist, organizer, media producer, and musician, Bethany Lacktorin, and multidisciplinary artist, and “fun facilitator” Dominic Facio for a conversation on pushing the bounds of what’s possible in an artistic career! This conversation is open to all and will be held via Zoom, sign up at the “Events” link in Springboard’s bio.
Bethany Lacktorin (she/her) is a performance artist, organizer, media producer and musician. Her practice revolves around issues and meanings surrounding identity, displacement and our connection through land, place and shared experiences. Currently based in rural Minnesota, she is Board Chair of Crow River Players and New London Arts Alliance, Program Director of @littletheatreauditorium in New London, serves as Treasurer on the Board of Directors of New London Food Co-op, and is graphic designer and producer for her local newspaper, Lakes Area Review. Learn more at
Dominic Facio (he/they) is a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on subculture, and challenges the status quo and provokes curiosity. Dominic has been creating since the mid-2000s, beginning with makeup design and photography, expanding to wearable art and, what they’ve become known for today, unique inclusive live production experiences with immersive ethereal aesthetics. As Springboard’s Rural Program Coordinator, Dominic is eager to help artists find what they need and assist with the many programs that Springboard has to offer. Read more about Dominic on Creative Exchange.
Sign up to attend on Springboard for the Arts website at

WAO School is seeking artists to teach mini classes on December 20
The Warren-Alvarado-Oslo School District is looking for artists to come into their K-5 classrooms to teach mini-Christmas classes on the afternoon of December 20. Examples include, but aren’t limited to, making musical instruments, tree ornaments or other Christmas decorations, singing, theater, game playing or more. Contact Samantha Sellers at 218-745-4441 with questions and for details.

Call for Student Art: Art Inspired by Art
Call for Student Art
for an exhibition
Art Inspired by Art
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is announcing a call for student art in the NW Minnesota region. This exhibit is titled Art Inspired by Art and will feature visual art, writing, and music. Consider submitting illustration, watercolor, acrylics, 3-D works of clay, ceramics, or other 3-D mediums. Written works, such as music lyrics and poetry, along with recorded music will also be considered.
Include a description of the art your work is based on, along with your thought process.
Example of lyrics inspired by a famous piece of literature…
Song: “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” by the Beatles
Inspired by: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Popular Lyric:
"Picture yourself in a boat on a river/With tangerine trees and marmalade skies/Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly/A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.”
Submissions Due May 19, 2023
Art Inspired by Art will be open June-July
NWMAC Gallery
Northland Community and Technical College
Thief River Falls.
Contact Trey Everett at the NWMAC for details.

Handcrafted Somali Artwork on display in Thief River Falls
Stop by Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River to see hand crafted household and functional Somali artwork displayed in one of the window cases near our exhibit space and the library.

Writers, Enter the Minnesota Mystery Flash Fiction Contest
Attention Writers! Tap into your inner Arthur Conan Doyle and submit a short historical mystery in the Minnesota Mystery Flash Fiction Contest!
Inspired by Sherlock Holmes: The Exhibition now on display at the Minnesota History Center, this contest gives you the chance to share your take on a Minnesota historical mystery and become a featured author. The selected winner will have their original story featured in an upcoming issue of Minnesota History magazine. The game is afoot! Visit their website for more info and to submit.
Submission requirements
Here are some clues to what contest judges are looking for and requirements that all submissions must follow to be considered. Check out the Official Contest Rules for full details. For more info and to submit visit their page:
All stories must:
Involve a Minnesota historical figure or event (see their website for ideas)
Be set in a time period before 1985
Involve a mystery in the plot
Your submission also must meet the following criteria to be considered:
No more than 1,500 words in length
Language and themes must be appropriate for all ages
No previously published works allowed (let them know if your story is accepted elsewhere during the contest period)
Be an original work of the author and not violate any intellectual property rights
Be submitted through this contest’s official form, with all requirements and rules accepted
How will your story be judged?
The judges are looking for a mystery story that is original, cleverly plotted, historically accurate, plausible, and has proper style and grammar. In short, they are looking for good, well-written, interesting mysteries that highlight Minnesota history!
Important contest dates
Oct. 21: Submission period opens
Dec. 15: Submission period ends
Jan 9: Three winners contacted
Apr. 1: Winning entries posted on, top winner’s story featured in Minnesota History
Looking for ideas? Check out MNopedia is the Minnesota Encyclopedia, compiled by the Minnesota Historical Society. Visit to read a few articles they have created that may inspire or inform the characters, setting, or plot of your mystery. But don’t limit yourself — dig into Minnesota history and see what else you can uncover!

Individual Artist Grant Application Deadline is November 15
There’s still time to apply! Individual Artist Grants have a November 15 deadline for $1,500 and an ongoing deadline for quick turnaround grants for $500. These grants are awarded to performing artists, visual artists, media artists, and creative writing artists from our seven county Minnesota service area including Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, and Roseau counties.
Individuals must be out of high school and at least 18 years of age to be eligible. College tuition is not an eligible expense. This is the main category that individuals use to support their artistic business or advance their technical skills. This category is for non-hobby artists who make substantial yearly income from their art. Grants are awarded annually with $1,500 going to four individuals. Support for this program comes from The McKnight Foundation.
Start your application today! The grant application process is completely online. Log into the grant application software on the top righthand corner of the webpage. If you have questions, NWMAC's Director Mara Hanel can help walk you through the process of using the grants portal to get accustomed to it. Please contact her at or call 218-745-8886.

Tending the Creative Soul November 9 - Mandalas
We will be talking about and creating our own Mandalas during this Tending the Creative Soul. Mandalas are symbols of wholeness and healing and have been used throughout time in a variety of cultures and various religions as well as in psychology. Carl Jung wrote,
“I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala, which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time... Only gradually did I discover what the mandala really is.... the Self, the wholeness of the personality, which if all goes well, is harmonious.”
This TCS will be Wednesday, November 9 from 5:00 to 6:00PM. Have paper and paint or markers or colored pencils. Also if you like perfect circles bring various sized circle templates.
Contact Trey for the Zoom invite at Everyone is welcome and it’s free to attend!

Publishing Basics for Fiction Writers Workshop Nov 15
Springboard for the Arts is offering a
Publishing Basics for Genre Fiction Writers Workshop
Tuesday, November 15 from 6-7:30PM
Sign up for a workshop on Tuesday, November 15 via Zoom with award-winning writer, editor and publisher Catherine Lundoff that will outline the basics of bringing your manuscript through the whole publishing process, from writing and editing to exploring options for publication and marketing.This workshop is best suited to writers interested in or publishing romance, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, horror, westerns, Young Adult or Children's literature.
Catherine Lundoff is the author of Silver Moon, Blood Moon, Out of This World: Queer Speculative Fiction Stories and Unfinished Business: Tales of the Dark Fantastic and editor of the fantastical pirate anthology, Scourge of the Seas of Time (and Space). She is also the publisher at Queen of Swords Press, a genre fiction publisher specializing in fiction from out of this world. More info at
Registration: Free. To receive the Zoom meeting details by clicking the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Andy Sturdevant at 651-294-0907 or

Minne-Mural Coloring Art Adventure Nov 30 via Zoom
Minne-Mural™ Coloring Art Adventure
November 30th, 2022 at 6:00 pm via Zoom.
Sponsored by the Campbell Library in East Grand Forks, the featured design will be "The Reading Lady."
The program is Free and a Zoom link will go out later. Share this with someone who might be interested.
There are a limited number of Reading Lady Minne-Murals™ at the library right now that will be handed out at No Charge First Come - First Serve as part of their virtual special activity programming. Just stop in and ask for one. If you can't make the complimentary library stop work out, those who want to color along and show & tell during the zoom event can order a Home Delivery Carepack of 2, 4 or 6 Minne-Murals™ . See