Arts News

CANCELED —Teaching Artist Roster Program (TARP) has upcoming training scheduled Apply until January 11!
Teaching Artist Roster Program (TARP) Training Will Be Held January-February 2023
Apply by January 11
What is being offered?
This is a series of 7 training sessions on professionally marketing and teaching your art form to students. Sessions include business skills on lesson plans, artistic statements, web listing, mock grant application on sponsoring you, mock press release on yourself.
Who should apply?
Area creatives interested in earning income by working within our local schools and festivals as an artist in residency.
Who will facilitate the training?
Jane Anderson of Thief River Falls again has agreed to serve as our consultant. Jane has led four cohorts in the past and does a great job. She’s also lots of fun.
When and Where will this be held?
Online for six Thursdays in 2023 from January 19 until February 23 from 6-9 PM on Zoom. Training ends on Saturday, February 25, 2023 in person in Warren from 10 AM - 4 PM.
What is the result?
In addition to honing your teaching skills, you will join our Teaching Artist Roster list on our website where schools and festivals go to select who they would like to sponsor with our grant funds. This is a wonderful opportunity to receive training for free! Being selected into the TARP cohort is the equivalent of receiving a $500 grant award.
How Do I Apply?
Log into our grants systems via the Grant Login button in the top righthand corner of our website. You will apply through that system.
Reach out to our director, Mara Hanel at or 218-745-8886.

Tending the Creative Soul November 9 - Mandalas
We will be talking about and creating our own Mandalas during this Tending the Creative Soul. Mandalas are symbols of wholeness and healing and have been used throughout time in a variety of cultures and various religions as well as in psychology. Carl Jung wrote,
“I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala, which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time... Only gradually did I discover what the mandala really is.... the Self, the wholeness of the personality, which if all goes well, is harmonious.”
This TCS will be Wednesday, November 9 from 5:00 to 6:00PM. Have paper and paint or markers or colored pencils. Also if you like perfect circles bring various sized circle templates.
Contact Trey for the Zoom invite at Everyone is welcome and it’s free to attend!

Publishing Basics for Fiction Writers Workshop Nov 15
Springboard for the Arts is offering a
Publishing Basics for Genre Fiction Writers Workshop
Tuesday, November 15 from 6-7:30PM
Sign up for a workshop on Tuesday, November 15 via Zoom with award-winning writer, editor and publisher Catherine Lundoff that will outline the basics of bringing your manuscript through the whole publishing process, from writing and editing to exploring options for publication and marketing.This workshop is best suited to writers interested in or publishing romance, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, horror, westerns, Young Adult or Children's literature.
Catherine Lundoff is the author of Silver Moon, Blood Moon, Out of This World: Queer Speculative Fiction Stories and Unfinished Business: Tales of the Dark Fantastic and editor of the fantastical pirate anthology, Scourge of the Seas of Time (and Space). She is also the publisher at Queen of Swords Press, a genre fiction publisher specializing in fiction from out of this world. More info at
Registration: Free. To receive the Zoom meeting details by clicking the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Andy Sturdevant at 651-294-0907 or

Minne-Mural Coloring Art Adventure Nov 30 via Zoom
Minne-Mural™ Coloring Art Adventure
November 30th, 2022 at 6:00 pm via Zoom.
Sponsored by the Campbell Library in East Grand Forks, the featured design will be "The Reading Lady."
The program is Free and a Zoom link will go out later. Share this with someone who might be interested.
There are a limited number of Reading Lady Minne-Murals™ at the library right now that will be handed out at No Charge First Come - First Serve as part of their virtual special activity programming. Just stop in and ask for one. If you can't make the complimentary library stop work out, those who want to color along and show & tell during the zoom event can order a Home Delivery Carepack of 2, 4 or 6 Minne-Murals™ . See

Stage Lighting and Design Workshop Oct 15 & 16
Northern Light Opera Company in Park Rapids will be hosting their first ever Stage Lighting Design Workshop on October 15th and 16th.
Led by professional lighting designer Heidi Eckwall, the workshop will be two packed days of hands-on lighting design.
The workshop is free to all, but sign up now as space is limited!
More information, including the application can be found here.

SCENE, the Building Block of Story Workshop
Writing Workshop: Scene: The Building Block of Story with instructor Candace Simar
When: Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 9 AM to 12 Noon
Where: Jack Pines Resort, 53014 State Highway 34, Osage MN 56570
(located 9 miles west of Park Rapids MN [1 mile west of Osage MN])
Cost is $60
*Masks are optional unless the COVID situation worsens
Instructor: Candace Simar
Candace Simar lives in Pequot Lakes and began her writing career after attending a Jackpine Writers' Bloc workshop in 1999. Candace writes historical fiction. Her work has since received awards from the Western Writers of America, Women Writing the West, Western Fictioneers, The Will Rogers Medallion, the Laura Awards for Short Fiction, The Writer's Digest, The Midwest Book Awards, Brainerd Writer's Alliance, The League of MN Poets, The Lake Region Writers, and other regional awards. Learn more about her work at
Course: Scene, the Building Block of Story
Attempting to write a longer writing project is daunting. Did you know that most novels contain 35 to 100 scenes? If you can write one scene, you can write as many as you need to finish your book. This class investigates ways to create vivid scenes that move your story forward to the end and keep your readers reading.
This Writers' Workshop will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2022, at Jack Pines Resort, 53014 State Highway 34, Osage, MN 56570 from 9 A.M. to 12 Noon. The Workshop cost includes lunch at noon. There will be a Book Release Party from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. There is no charge to attend the Book Release Party.
YOU MUST PREREGISTER FOR THE WORKSHOP. Please email Sharon Harris at to sign up. Call 218-732-3782 with any questions. Be sure to include your name and mailing address, phone number, and email address. Make your $60 check out to Jackpine Writers' Bloc and mail it to: Sharon Harris, 13320 149th Ave, Menahga MN 56464. The sign-on information will be sent to you before the workshop.
The workshop will be limited to the first 35 participants and then names will be put on a waiting list.

Art Creation Workshop April 27 — RSVP now
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is Offering an
Art Creation Workshop April 27 in Thief River Falls
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is pleased to announce a FREE Creative Art Session Workshop to create work for an upcoming exhibit – Nature’s Offerings in June and July. The workshop will be held at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls from 4 to 5:30 pm on April 27. You must RSVP.
Nature’s Offerings is a broad concept. Everything we need as human beings has been given to us by Nature. Food, water, shelter, medicine, resources for creating our homes, our smart phones, and every material object we have ever created or will ever create as human beings. Nature provides natural cycles of the year, warmth and coolness, fire and water, oceans and rivers, and the air we breathe. Nature offers us the natural cycles of the seasons so that we can plant and harvest. All our canning, baking, seasoning, and meals we prepare and eat are ultimately given from Nature.
Besides all the tangible offerings, Nature also provides intangible qualities of healing, rejuvenation, and inspiration. When we spend time by a river, take a walk in the snow, look at a sunset, catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights we receive healing. Nature helps lower blood pressure, calm our anxious minds, cause us to stare in wonder and awe, and brings connection and consolation when we feel alone and distant.
During this free session, attendees will be able to create a 3-dimensional creative piece that represents what "Nature's Offerings" means to them. Participants don't have to consider themselves an artist to join this workshop. Artwork created in the workshop will become part of the gallery exhibit for June and July. Supplies will be provided, but participants are welcome to bring items from nature if they like. Examples include deer antlers, animal skulls or bones, branches, dried fruit, rocks, and dried grasses or flowers. This is a low stress, fun time to create whatever inspires at NO cost.
Space is limited for this free class. RSVPs are required. Sign up by emailing Trey Everett at
Following the workshop, the NW Art Exhibit reception and program will be held. Come to experience the NW Art Exhibit and celebrate the exhibit’s artists and Of the Year awardees.

Virtual Writing Classes
The 2021 Red Shoes Retreat Writer-in-Residence Jill Swenson of Swenson Book Development LLC will be holding virtual classes, workshop, and a retreat for writers.