Debbie Dahl Aune is Artist of the Year
Artist of the Year Debbie Dahl Aune
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is pleased to announce that Debbie Dahl Aune of Gatzke is the Northwest Artist of the Year for Visual Arts. This award was presented on Sunday, April 30 at the Middle River Legacy Center.
Aune is a visual artist who works in many mediums. She is the Art Teacher at the Greenbush Middle River Public School, as well as the Greenbush Middle River Art Club Advisor, a frequent art project presenter at the Creativity Festival in Bemidji, and a community ed instructor. She has entered and placed often in the annual NW Minnesota Art Exhibit, receiving merit, second, first, and People’s Choice awards. Finally, Aune has exhibited her work in many NWMAC themed exhibits, including several solo shows. Last year Debbie was featured on a MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) segment and in a Prairie Mosaic video on Prairie Public Television.
Artist of the Year Debbie Aune with NWMAC Director Mara Hanel
Aune received a BS in Art Education from Bemidji State University and has taken graduate course work at several institutions, allowing her to study under many well-known artists.
Aune said “My biggest joy is watching children and adults find their inner artist.” When asked what she enjoys about creating art, she stated, “The personal side. The connection with the people, the place. Doing a piece for someone and they love it.”
Susan Hougen Lieberg explained, “Debbie's gift as an art teacher is that she is an artist, a true artist. She can find inspiration in anything, and she finds so much in her students. Just like her paintings invite viewers into the scenes she's created, she also invites her students into the creative process -- all the bumps and warts and making lemonade out of lemons. Almost magically, her students tap into themselves to create beautiful works of art: woodcuts, watercolors, sculptures, portraits, and more… Aune’s artwork delivers joy to so many.”
Greenbush Middle River Superintendent Larry Guggisberg shared, “During her nearly three decades as an art teacher, Debbie has single-handedly developed arts programs for the entire K-12 program in the GMR School District. Over the years, her experience at making contacts and savvy at securing funding for arts programs has been invaluable and has touched the lives of students. Without her successful efforts and dedication, our students would not receive the exposure to the Arts as they have. Mrs. Aune has kept Visual Arts in this northwest Minnesota school at the forefront.”
Artist of the Year Debbie Aune with her merit award winning painting “Long Shadows”
Finally, KayDell Super explained “The most important aspect of Deb’s artistic skills is her ability to spread the love of art to her students and everyone around her. Her enthusiasm for art, creative possibilities, and life in general radiates as soon as she steps in the room. During her tenure as art teacher, hundreds of students have been encouraged to pursue their love of art – and those that were unsure, left her program with the love of art in their hearts. Deb has not kept her talents to herself – her community has benefitted and been enriched with not only her final artistic works, but with her creative ideas and energy to improve the community with these ideas and leadership.”
Aune is passionate about painting outdoors. She explained, “I take care of my personal side with painting en plein air. A painter can go to an en plein air event. It doesn’t cost much. Join others. Get out there. You are outside. There is no better place to paint.”
She encourages everyone to give art a try. “Elementary is where you get the most bang for your buck. If you are in high school, take those art classes. There are workshops. Many are available for no cost. Don’t be scared to jump right in.”
Of the Year Awardees Bonnie Stewart, Cathy Erickson, and Debbie Aune
Our Artist of the Year award can be given to any discipline artist including visual, performing, or creative writing who are emerging or at a mid-way point in their artistic endeavors. It is a cash award of $500. Funding for the Northwest Artist of the Year comes from The McKnight Foundation. Three awards are given each year to recognize artists and arts advocates within our seven-county region who stand out in terms of artistry or volunteerism in the arts. Of the Year Award winners were nominated by area residents.
Congratulations, Debbie Dahl Aune!