Arts News

Around the Farm Exhibit is Open
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Announces
Around the Farm
Featuring the Artwork of Beau Bakken
With Rock Bakken, Aimee Ross, Betsy Saurdiff, Stephanie Olson, Jessica Lundeen, Cindy Kolling, Debbie Aune, Janet Knutson, Therese Masters Jacobson, Ross Hier, Annethea Novacek, Loreen Hanson, Alice Hamness, and Kate Hammer
Open Through April 25 at the
NWMAC Gallery
Northland Community and Technical College
1101 State Highway 1, Thief River Falls
We are pleased to announce the opening of Around the Farm, an exhibit open through April 25. This exhibit includes 27 pieces of art created by 15 artists in acrylic, watercolor, pen and ink, photography, ceramic, and mixed media. Beau Bakken, the featured artist, has twelve 2' X 3' acrylic on canvas paintings of tractors, elevators, trucks and farmers from NW Minnesota. Many of the pieces are for sale.
In addition to the pieces by Beau Bakken, artists from throughout the region contributed to this showcase, including Rock Bakken of Hallock, Aimee Ross of Fisher, Betsy Saurdiff of Grygla , Stephanie Olson of rural Thief River Falls, Jessica Lundeen of Thief River Falls, Cindy Kolling of Gully, Debbie Aune of Gatzke, Janet Knutson of Gully, Therese Masters Jacobson of Alvarado, Ross Hier of Crookston, Annethea Novacek of Greenbush, Loreen Hanson of Thief River Falls, Alice Hamness (deceased), and Kate Hammer of Roseau.
Farming is more than a job or a career. It is fundamental to our community's way of life, part of our region's cultural identity and history, and deeply rooted in where and how we live, work, and play. This art exhibit celebrates farm life and farming and will highlight the importance of agriculture in the lives of residents of our northwest Minnesota region through art. Art is around the theme of farms, farming, farm machinery, harvest, farmland, agricultural heritage, farm animals, and farm life.
Featured Artist Beau Bakken of Hallock explained, “Ten years ago or so I was working on a farm and found visual inspiration from my boss’s farm trucks. They were decades old, rusty, and full of battle scars. But at the turn of a key, their engines fired and were ready for the day’s work. I filed away in the back of my brain to paint a picture of at least one of these modern workhorses. I’m good for packing away more ideas than I ever have time to put into reality, so this inspiration sat dormant for almost a decade. But over the last year or two, I’ve finally leaned into painting pictures of trucks, tractors, and machinery and quite enjoyed it. Most have been painted from personal photos but also from generous photograph lenders. I never took a photo of the 1960-something green Ford truck that first inspired me, but a photo recently was given to me of my former boss pouring grain out of the old Ford’s back gate. The painting titled, “Ron and the Ford” was a meaningful capstone for me and this farm art project in many ways. Ron Petersen, now with Jesus, was a great boss, farmer, and man of God. If I continue painting farm related pictures, I hope to find more ways to depict farmers along with their machinery.”
Of her two pieces in the exhibit, Artist Stephanie Olson said, “Both pieces incorporate traditional quilt square patterns, combined with personal feelings and witness to current times."
Aliza Novacek-Olson shared: "I love paintings of red barns, so I was excited when I heard about the topic of the upcoming exhibit. I own a painting done by my grandmother, Alice Hamness (deceased) about 60 years ago. Alice is the mother of my mom Annethea Novacek and my aunt Loreen. I thought it was special to see paintings of the same subject matter from three different women in the same family, so I convinced my Mom and Loreen Hanson to submit their paintings, too."
Cindy Kolling has notecards available at
You won't want to miss this interesting exhibit open through April 25 at the NWMAC Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. Details about an artist reception will be announced soon. Watch our website and social media pages for details about the time and date.
Watch this video for a virtual tour of the exhibit at
The NWMAC Gallery at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls is at 1101 State Highway 1, Thief River Falls 56701. The gallery is open during Monday-Friday from 8 - 5 PM and at other times when events are held at the college. Please call to make sure the college is open before making a special trip. Hours can change. Enter through Door B, which is right next to the gallery. Visitor parking is free.
For more information about this exhibit, visit our website at, or if you are an artist interested in exhibiting a body of work with NWMAC, please contact Trey Everett at (218) 280-4917 or email Please sign up for our e-newsletter on our website home page to see the latest news and grant announcements. Email or call 218-745-8886 to reach our office during regular business hours.

NW Art Exhibit Winners Announced and Presented
Northwest Minnesota Art Exhibit Winners Announced
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is excited to announce the Northwest Minnesota Art Exhibit Winners. Student and adult artists residing in a seven-county region including Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Polk, Pennington, Roseau and Red Lake recently entered the Northwest Minnesota Art Exhibit and competed for $2,300 in cash awards. The winners were recognized at the Northwest Minnesota Artist Reception in Lake Bronson on April 21.
Exhibit cash award winners were chosen while the exhibit was on display at the Kittson County History Museum in Lake Bronson by qualified juror and Grand Forks Artist Pat Danielson.
Danielson has been an active, well known visual artist for decades and is a member of the River Forks Watercolor Society and of Arts for Vets. She has a B.S. in Education from the University of Missouri in Columbia. Of the exhibit, she said, “What a pleasure it was to see the rich display of art at NWMAC’s show at Lake Bronson! As this year’s juror, I viewed each piece several times. While technique is important, I looked for art that surprised with its original idea, showed clear intention, was well executed and presented, and especially that drew me back to learn more about it.
This exhibit showed a wide variety of media — paintings, ceramics, fiber arts, sculpture, photography, fused glass, mosaic, assemblages, digital art — in many sizes and many shapes! Some of the treasures offered were small works and made no less impact than large ones. Congratulations to all the artists who entered this exhibit. Art is a community where everyone can participate. I hope you will continue to show your work, learn from one another, and support each other. You all win — with or without prizes awarded.”
Walk through the exhibit at
Exhibit Awards include:
1st $500 Andy Hall of Climax for photography “Backlit Milkweed”
2nd $300 Irene Bertils of Crookston for watercolor painting “Warm Summer Evening “
3rd $200 Aliza Novacek-Olson of Roseau for folk/traditional wool “Solitary Qoshmas”
Merit $100 Michael McColl of Lengby in drawing “You're Getting Very Sleepy”
Merit $100 Betsy Saurdiff of Grygla for folk/ traditional porcelain “Pitcher”
Merit $100 Elizabeth Kitchell-Rockstad of Ada in mixed media “No Constraints”
Merit $100 Sara Jo Trangsrud of Thief River Falls in sculpture “Bursting Out”
Merit $100 Gail Ose of Thief River Falls for fused glass “The Dreams We Hold Sacred”
People’s Choice $100 Debbie Aune of Gatzke
1st $300 Brigitta Novacek of Roseau in acrylic painting “Valorous”
2nd $150 Anita Foster of Thief River Falls for mixed media “Ruth”
3rd $100 Mary Jane Crane of Red Lake Falls for drawing “Beauty in Self-Image”
Merit $50 Kyleigh Halvorson of Fosston for drawing “Iris”
Merit $50 Kaytlyn Knutson of Red Lake Falls for digital art “Orion”
Merit $50 Mason Grivno of Felton for sculpture “German Wirehaired Pointer”
Merit $50 Mahli Holter of Red Lake Falls for mixed media “Almagations”
Merit $50 Izzy Swenson of Lancaster for painting “Purple Iris”
People’s Choice $50 Dana Brown of Lancaster
Fourteen exhibit pieces of student and adult art were chosen to be included in the Traveling Art Exhibit, which will travel this next year to area libraries. Watch for the schedule to be announced and for it to arrive in your community. Five exhibit pieces of student art were also chosen to be hung in the hallway of Senator Mark Johnson’s office in St. Paul. These students and their work include Lydia Christianson of Fertile “Omaha Jellyfish,” Kyleigh Halvorson of Fosston “Iris,” Carter Lee Johnsrud of Goodridge “A Broken Heart,” Dana Brown of Lancaster, (Kittson Central) “Jesse and Walt,” and Melody Voeltz, of Lancaster “Barred Owl.”

Northwest Minnesota Art Reception and Awards
Student and adult artists residing in our seven-county region including Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Polk, Pennington, Roseau and Red Lake entered into the Northwest Minnesota Art Exhibit and competed for $2,300 in cash awards. The exhibit was open in March and April. The NWMAC held an art reception and awards program on April 30 in Middle River. Visitors came from all over to view the art and honor the artists. The winners were recognized at the reception at the Middle River Legacy Center.
The reception included fantastic catered sushi and fun desserts, dragonfruit fizzy tea, and coffee made with beans roasted in the building. NW Star Awardee Cathy Erickson played music.
Of the Year Awards -- the NW Star Award -- Lifetime Achievement, Artist of the Year, and Arts Advocate of the Year were presented. The Exhibit and Reception were open to the public and free to attend. Many pieces of art were for sale. The reception was a wonderful day of celebrating the arts in our region.
Funding for these awards is provided by the McKnight Foundation and the Minnesota State Legislature.
Exhibit cash award winners were chosen while the exhibit was on display at the Middle River Legacy Center, 335 4th Street, Middle River by qualified juror and Project Director of the Miikanan Gallery at the Watermark Art Center in Bemidji Karen Goulet. The public voted for People’s Choice.
This “art exhibition was wonderful to jury. It was challenging to make final selections for the art awards, as there were so many interesting and well-made works of art. As a curator and juror, I have criteria in making final decisions that reflect on innovation, content, and advancing craft. Creative courage is what moves arts and artists forward and keeps the arts invigorated. I can say that if there had been two more awards to give in each group this would have been easier for me to do.
I am particularly impressed with how many schools were represented in the exhibit. I know it has not been easy for the arts in the last few years because of the pandemic, and budget challenges. Art is something that makes the world better. There must be dedication by teachers and students to keep creating. I could see this dedication in the variety of work that was submitted.
Rural artists do not always have the same opportunities to be seen as are available in urban areas. The talent I saw in this exhibit reinforces my belief that rural arts are thriving. Whether artists can work full time, or they need to make around other commitments, the quality of the work is so impressive. Juried art exhibitions are subjective to the selection criteria of the juror. Each year is another opportunity to have work recognized and seen. I hope the artists in this exhibit will keep submitting work and seek other venues for their talent to be seen.”
Walk through the exhibit at
Exhibit Awards include:
Adult Winners
1st Place $500 Jessica Ross of Thief River Falls for painting “Field Work”
2nd Place $300 Betsy Saurdiff of Grygla in Folk/Traditional Fine Craft “Grandma's Quilt”
3rd Place $200 Megan Sugden of Hallock for photography ‘Abandoned Divco Milk Truck’
Merit $100 Dennis Lee of Red Lake Falls in acrylic painting “Old House”
Merit $100 Nancy Vraa of Red Lake Falls in Folk/traditional Fine Craft ‘Country Classic”
Merit $100 Tim Anderson of Goodridge in Folk/Traditional Fine Craft “Let Your Light Shine” (wood bowl)
Merit $100 Debbie Dahl Aune of Gatzke for watercolor painting “Long Shadows”
Merit $100 Andrea Halvorson of Goodridge for drawing “Carrying Mom to Heaven”
People’s Choice $100 Tammy Hansen of Newfolden
Student Winners
1st Place $300 Carter Lee Johnsrud of Goodridge for mixed media “Masking”
2nd Place $150 Andrew Glad of Greenbush for Other Folk Art “Vincent“
3rd Place $100 Geneva Gartner of Fertile in sculpture “Moth”
Merit $50 Quinn Pittman of Greenbush for drawing “Moe”
Merit $50 Ashton Jensrud of Fertile for other typewriter drawing “15” (Boston terrier)
Merit $50 Rhiana Utter of Greenbush for print “Elsa”
Merit $50 Paris Sondreal of Middle River in sculpture Vase Tumbler
Merit $50 Logan Krueger of Fertile for mixed media “Frederick” (burned paper skull)
People’s Choice $50 Carter Lee Johnsrud of Goodridge
Fifteen exhibit pieces of student and adult art were chosen to be included in the Traveling Art Exhibit, which will travel this next year to area libraries. Watch for the schedule to be announced and for it to arrive in your community. Five exhibit pieces of student art were also chosen to be hung in the hallway of Senator Mark Johnson’s office in St. Paul.

Debbie Dahl Aune is Artist of the Year
Debbie Dahl Aune is Artist of the Year
The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is pleased to announce that Debbie Dahl Aune of Gatzke is the Northwest Artist of the Year for Visual Arts. This award was presented on Sunday, April 30 at the Middle River Legacy Center.
Aune is a visual artist who works in many mediums. She is the Art Teacher at the Greenbush Middle River Public School, as well as the Greenbush Middle River Art Club Advisor, a frequent art project presenter at the Creativity Festival in Bemidji, and a community ed instructor. She has entered and placed often in the annual NW Minnesota Art Exhibit, receiving merit, second, first, and People’s Choice awards. Finally, Aune has exhibited her work in many NWMAC themed exhibits, including several solo shows. Last year Debbie was featured on a MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) segment and in a Prairie Mosaic video on Prairie Public Television.
Aune received a BS in Art Education from Bemidji State University and has taken graduate course work at several institutions, allowing her to study under many well-known artists.
Aune said “My biggest joy is watching children and adults find their inner artist.” When asked what she enjoys about creating art, she stated, “The personal side. The connection with the people, the place. Doing a piece for someone and they love it.”
Susan Hougen Lieberg explained, “Debbie's gift as an art teacher is that she is an artist, a true artist. She can find inspiration in anything, and she finds so much in her students. Just like her paintings invite viewers into the scenes she's created, she also invites her students into the creative process -- all the bumps and warts and making lemonade out of lemons. Almost magically, her students tap into themselves to create beautiful works of art: woodcuts, watercolors, sculptures, portraits, and more… Aune’s artwork delivers joy to so many.”
Greenbush Middle River Superintendent Larry Guggisberg shared, “During her nearly three decades as an art teacher, Debbie has single-handedly developed arts programs for the entire K-12 program in the GMR School District. Over the years, her experience at making contacts and savvy at securing funding for arts programs has been invaluable and has touched the lives of students. Without her successful efforts and dedication, our students would not receive the exposure to the Arts as they have. Mrs. Aune has kept Visual Arts in this northwest Minnesota school at the forefront.”
Finally, KayDell Super explained “The most important aspect of Deb’s artistic skills is her ability to spread the love of art to her students and everyone around her. Her enthusiasm for art, creative possibilities, and life in general radiates as soon as she steps in the room. During her tenure as art teacher, hundreds of students have been encouraged to pursue their love of art – and those that were unsure, left her program with the love of art in their hearts. Deb has not kept her talents to herself – her community has benefitted and been enriched with not only her final artistic works, but with her creative ideas and energy to improve the community with these ideas and leadership.”
Aune is passionate about painting outdoors. She explained, “I take care of my personal side with painting en plein air. A painter can go to an en plein air event. It doesn’t cost much. Join others. Get out there. You are outside. There is no better place to paint.”
She encourages everyone to give art a try. “Elementary is where you get the most bang for your buck. If you are in high school, take those art classes. There are workshops. Many are available for no cost. Don’t be scared to jump right in.”
Our Artist of the Year award can be given to any discipline artist including visual, performing, or creative writing who are emerging or at a mid-way point in their artistic endeavors. It is a cash award of $500. Funding for the Northwest Artist of the Year comes from The McKnight Foundation. Three awards are given each year to recognize artists and arts advocates within our seven-county region who stand out in terms of artistry or volunteerism in the arts. Of the Year Award winners were nominated by area residents.
Congratulations, Debbie Dahl Aune!
NWMAC Exhibits in 2018
2018 Exhibits included Tree Spirits: Works in Wood by Regional Artists, Midwest Grain: Watercolor Paintings by Debbie Aune, Portrait, Inklings by Jill Levene, Visual Art by Ivy Bailie, Paintings by Judy Szklarski, Skin, & We Are Water.

2015 Exhibits at the NWMAC Gallery Space at River Walk Artists in East Grand Forks
2015 Exhibits in the NWMAC Gallery space at the River Walk Gallery included:
February 2015 Jessica Pribula, EGF
Mar - Apr 2015 Deb Aune, Gatzke
Midwest Living
May 2015 LaVonne Forsberg, TRF paintings
June 2015 Book Authors of NW Minnesota
July 2015 Functional Art
Aug 2015 Textiles
Sept 2015 Brenda Baumer, EGF - painting
Oct - Nov 2015 Janet Johnson and Karen Monson - art
Dec 2015 – Jan 2016 Winter Holiday Show