elemental: earth, air, fire, water, space — NWMAC Art Exhibit at NCTC

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Northwest Minnesota Arts Council Announces 

elemental: earth, air, fire, water, space

An Art Exhibit at NCTC in Thief River Falls

Open Until September 27

Poetry, Writing, Illustration

Featuring the work of chalk artist Zack Rowatt

The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is pleased to announce our current exhibit, elemental: earth, air, fire, water, space is open at the NWMAC Gallery at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls until September 27. This exhibit features a number of pieces of chalk art from Roseau artist Zack Rowatt, as well as poetry, writing, and illustration around the theme of the elements from area writers and illustrators.

The elements provide the foundation for the physical world. Illustrator Therese Jacobson of Alvarado whose work is featured in this exhibit explained, “The elements – earth, air, fire, water, space – are where we begin. One’s natural inclination is to seek inner peace through all of our encounters with the world, to satisfy our need for air, to plant our feet on the earth, to warm ourselves, to drink pure water.” 

Zack Rowatt at elemental: earth, air, fire, water. space — Art Exhibit at NCTC

Zack Rowatt at elemental: earth, air, fire, water. space — Art Exhibit at NCTC

Rowatt’s individual pieces of chalk art are accompanied by detailed information about the natural and historical background. Viewing these pieces of art and reading the descriptions provides the audience with a natural resource education. For example, you might learn why the water isn’t clear, the age of rocks or why they look the way they do, what a bog is, or about Glacial Lake Agassiz. 

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Rowatt revealed, “As an artist I have been working the past 2 ½ years to better understand the environment around me and capture special moments and sights as I see them. I studied geology and earth science in school and upon its completion found that I didn’t want the application of the knowledge that I had gained to go towards anything but the simple praise of its magnificence.” Rowatt spoke about his artistic process, “The work that I produce is done so in one of two ways, outside in the elements in plein air or inside from photograph.” He went on to recount his desire and process to capture what he sees in a meaningful and personal way, “…sitting down by a river, taking a nice break on a strenuous hike or relaxing atop a large pile of boulders, to focus on the land around and build up a memory and a story with one’s hands is quite a thrill when it comes together.”

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The writings, poetry or illustrations in this exhibit are from Dale Jacobson of Alvarado, Therese Jacobson of Alvarado, Catherine Stenzel of Beltrami Island Forest, Alexandria Maxwell of Warroad, Kristin Eggerling of Hallock, Rock Bakken of Hallock, Kim Hruba of Warroad, Cindy Kolling of Gully, Glenda Long Eggerling of Ames, Iowa and Judi Jerde of Inver Grove Heights.

Artist Zack Rowatt. elemental: earth, air, fire, water, space

Artist Zack Rowatt. elemental: earth, air, fire, water, space

Alexandria Maxwell explained, “As a poet, my medium is words. I love the way words play, and I love to manipulate language to express my thoughts, both existential and elemental. My works are deeply rooted in nature, in exploring the essence of life. What does it mean to be fully alive, to be fully human?

According to Catherine Stenzel, “Survival isn’t possible without the elements that constantly surround and support us. But how often do we stop to notice this with gratitude for the obvious?” Catherine spoke of her writing process, it “comes in the form of a boulder of inspiration that I chip away until I have a sculpted poem; I keep the draft I’m working on with me at all times, as I do multiple revisions. Poetry is always a work in progress. Even after I have a “final” version, when I take out the poem for submission for something like our exhibit, I revise yet again, even if only a word or two.”

Visit the exhibit virtually! Watch our video here.

Twenty-seven of Rowatt’s pieces of art are available to purchase. All are framed chalk pastel originals.    

Here’s the list with title, sizes and prices:   

  • Frenzied Many…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Archaean Architecture…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Where it Takes Its Time…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Rapid River Rapids…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Rapid River Refuge…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Wave Washed…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $60,

  • Sidling Sands… 9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $60,

  • Outcrop Overlook… 9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $60, 

  • Des Moines Lobe Lodgment…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75, 

  • Precambrian Presence…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Bogs and Swamps and Not a Mire Around…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • The Path of Least Resistance and the Ground You Stand On…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Left for the Lichen…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Window to the Soul… 9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $50,

  • Residue, Reclamation, Revival… 9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $30,

  • Bay Boulders…9x12”  $25,

  • Wet-times Inlet…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • No Trespassing ‘cept for Deer…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75, 

  • Shrouded Stream… 9 x 12” $25,

  • Plain to See… 9x12” $25,

  • It’s A Shore Thing… 9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $75,

  • Borrow-Pit Beach Day 9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $60,

  • Meander Merits…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $60,

  • Field Fringe…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $60, 

  • Bedload Bedlam…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $60,

  • Characteristic Vegation… 9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $50,

  • VE…9x12” (12 x 16” matte) $30.

The NWMAC Gallery is located at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The summer gallery hours are Monday-Thursday from 7:30-4:30 PM, Friday from 7:20- 2:30 pm and at other times when events are held at the college. Regular hours  — Monday to Friday, 8:30-5:00 will resume once school begins. Enter through Door A. Visitor parking is free at this time in the large end lot. 

If you are an artist interested in exhibiting a body of work with NWMAC, please contact Trey Everett at (218) 280-4917 or treyeverettcreates@gmail.com . This exhibit is made possible with funding from The McKnight Foundation. Please sign up for our e-newsletter on our website home page to see the latest news and grant announcements.  Email director@NWArtsCouncil.org or call 218-745-8886 to reach our office during regular business hours.


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