9.27.22 Mara Hanel

NWMAC Director Mara Hanel talked with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West about many things, including upcoming grant deadlines and a change in our grant system, as well as new videos on our website to walk applicants through the grant writing process. She spoke about new opportunities at our office in Warren (space to write grants, a place to record, headshots and photographing artwork, etc). There’s an artist reception on Wednesday, September 28 with the Dynamic Voices artists at our NWMAC Gallery at NCTC as a part of an open house at Northland. Once the Dynamic Voices exhibit is done, there will be a theater exhibit followed by one featuring work by Bert and Christine Foster. Mara and Rom also spoke about the long term relationship she's had with Minnesota's Historic Northwest — she was there at the start 25 years ago. Listen to learn!


10.4.22 Kelly Thygeson


9.20.22 Kay Dell Super