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10.30.24 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel spoke with Phil McKenzie about upcoming grant deadlines, grant writing training, the grant writing station in our office, exhibits, calls for art, the upcoming artist booklet and more! Listen to hear about the many opportunities at the NWMAC right now.

2.6.24 Karlace Taylor
Karlstad resident Karlace Taylor serves on the NWMAC board of directors. She has a music background and teaches private piano lessons in Karlstad and plays for special events and in churches. You can find Karlace on Facebook. Listen to hear the details!

1.23.24 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel spoke about the many things the Arts Council has coming up during this week’s podcast.
- Annual NW Art Exhibit. Deadline Feb 29 to submit entries. The exhibit will be in Lake Bronson this year from March 27 to April 21. Submit your art for this exhibit (up to pieces per person adults and high school students)
- Of the Year Awards. Deadline Feb 29 to nominate for Artist of the Year (emerging and mid-career), NW Star Award (lifetime achievement), and Arts Advocate of the Year. Please consider nominating a deserving artist or arts advocate!
-Upcoming Grant deadlines. Feb 29 and a grant writing workshop (Feb 13 at 10 am. RSVP required). We have funds for the following:
Project Grants for nonprofit arts organizations, communities, schools, and other nonprofit organizations from our seven county Minnesota service area between $500 and $10,000. Activities funded include festivals, community theatre projects, folk music entertainment, sponsorship of visual demonstrations, creative writing workshops and many other activities that improve the quality of life of people in our communities.
Schools can apply for an Artist Residency grant of $2,600 plus an additional $400 if the residency needs supplies;
Quick Turnaround Grants for $500. Awarded to performing artists, visual artists, media artists, and creative writing artists. First come-first served basis
- Pulled in Many Directions Photography by Andy Hall. Photography exhibit at our gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls. Artist reception on Wednesday, Jan 24 5:30-7:30 PM. Make a point to visit this impressive exhibit and consider purchasing a piece of art!
- Traveling art exhibit, featuring adult and high school student art, is at the Campbell Library in East Grand Forks until February 27.
- Artists of NW Minnesota booklet is being created right now. The booklet includes many artist listings and we are looking for gig artists, including musicians and performers to add to a new section in this edition's booklet (we publish this booklet every 3 years). We are also looking for arts-supporting businesses for the back of the booklet. The purpose of the booklet is promotional and features those who offer an arts service to the community.
Listen to the podcast for all the details!

11.28.23 Trey Everett
NWMAC Showcase Specialist Trey Everett talked about what is involved in creating our exhibits and some behind-the-scenes info about his job. Trey is also an artist. He is primarily a pen and ink artist and creates murals throughout our region. Trey also works as a teaching artist. This fall he was awarded a national rural arts award, which is quite an honor. Listen for details!

10.10.23 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel spoke about upcoming grant deadlines (and changes to those deadlines), as well as grant requirements, our current exhibit featuring Artist Stephanie Olson at the NWMAC Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls through November, the Artist Reception on October 18 including fiddle music, and other area happenings. It’s always a great opportunity to hear about the arts in NW Minnesota when Mara is the podcast guest. Listen to hear more!

4.11.23 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel spoke about a number of arts events, activities, and deadlines. 1) Of the Year Awards. Musician Cathy Erickson will receive the NW Star Award, a lifetime achievement award. Debbie Aune is the Artist of the Year. Arts Advocate of the Year is Fosston resident Bonnie Stewart. The awards reception will be held in Middle River on Sunday, April 30 at the Middle River Legacy Center at 3 PM with a program at 4 PM. The event is free and everyone is encouraged to attend!; 2) The Arts Council’s Biennial Planning. 3) an added grant deadline (May 1). Mara can help answer any questions about the grant application; 4) The NWMAC Gallery at NCTC currently has the Art of Addiction exhibit through the end of the month; and 5) NW Art Exhibit is currently open at the Middle River Legacy Center until April 30. See the show and vote for People’s Choice. Listen for more details!

11.15.Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel was the podcast guest this week. Mara spoke about the Individual Artist Grant deadline (Nov 15). She explained what defines an artist to be eligible for a grant in our region. She shared that the NWMAC has a Teaching Artist Roster Program (TARP) training starting in January with applications accepted right now through the end of the year. Consider joining this upcoming teaching artist cohort. It’s a helpful training that will allow artists to learn important skills, be added to the TARP roster, and is a venue to earn money teaching your art. Mara also spoke about a Somali art display at NCTC in Thief River Falls, an Art of Addiction Exhibit call for art, and theater events in our region, including a holiday play coming up in Fosston and a TRFACT play in Thief River Falls. Listen for all the details!

9.27.22 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel talked with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West about many things, including upcoming grant deadlines and a change in our grant system, as well as new videos on our website to walk applicants through the grant writing process. She spoke about new opportunities at our office in Warren (space to write grants, a place to record, headshots and photographing artwork). There’s an artist reception on Wednesday, September 28 with the Dynamic Voices artists at our NWMAC Gallery at NCTC as a part of an open house at Northland. Once the Dynamic Voices exhibit closes, there will be a theater exhibit followed by one featuring work by Bert and Christine Foster. Mara and Rom also spoke about the long term relationship she's had with Minnesota's Historic Northwest — she was there at the start 25 years ago. Listen to learn!

2.8.22 Mara Hanel
NWMAC Director Mara Hanel was featured in this week’s podcast. She spoke with Pioneer 90.1’s Ron West about the new space at the NWMAC office in Warren, an open position for an Office Assistant, NW Art Exhibit call for entries, Of the Year Award nominations, upcoming grants deadlines (March 1), grant writing workshops, our Traveling Art Exhibit, and Celebrations: The Ceramic Art of Betsy Saurdiff at the NWMAC Gallery at NCTC in Thief River Falls (with an Artist Reception on Saturday, February 12 from 3 to 5 pm. Listen for the details!m